First Travel, Between Umrah and Ponzi Scheme

First Travel, Between Umrah and Ponzi Scheme
by: Fahmi Syam
FIAI Student Of Islamic Economics
Islamic University Of Indonesia
Umrah polemic becomes hot issues recently, everyone talking about it. This issue began when First Travel company has canceled the departure of umrah pilgrims for various reasons. The result of the large number of umrah Pilgrims who do not set off, thus reaping the full range of the criticism relates to the systems used to look for errors that occurred in umrah travel agency.
The peak, August 3 2017, Ministry of religious affairs has been revoking authorization the company’s operation because is considered to have done a breach of the Law on the organization of the hajj and umrah worship especially article 65 a No. 79/2012 on the implementation of Act No.13/2008 about organizing the pilgrimage.
Violations in the form of a waiver of umrah pilgrims and resulted in the failed departure to Saudi Arabia, as well as the material and immaterial losses in natural by umrah pilgrims. Even to this day, umrah’s pilgrims of first travel company loss reaches 550 billion, which the company is required to promptly do the compensation.
Potential umrah business
Umrah became its own penchant for umrah pilgrims who wanted to go for Holy Land, specially Makkah and Madinah, and even now, umrah is no longer become expensive items for people of Indonesia. It is inseparable from convenience and a greater quota so that it does not require a long time to get going.
If we look the data, people who perform umrah experience increased continuously every year, even umrah’s pilgrisms of Indonesia ranks third largest umrah’s pilgrims in the world. According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Saudi Arabia government at year 2016, where number umrah visas that have been issued for Indonesia reached 699 thousand worshippers, increase 7.2 percent from the previous year.
Business of umrah will always be many enthusiasts and can even be done each month due to its market segment is already clear, that muslims people of Indoneisa who want perform worship by going to the Holy Land more quickly so that the umrah became the solution of it. Those reasons make the business a very seductive, because it can be profitable.
Alert of Ponzi scheme
Commonly, travel agency used marketing tricks by making umrah pilgrims insistence on the cheap with a promo given by travel umrah, then when the pilgrims interested, candidates will then be obliged to pay in accordance with the promo price, but the departure will be announced later.
When observed further, the scheme used for travel that relies on various promos cheap is a Ponzi scheme. In general, Ponzi scheme is a scheme with closed-hole dig system. It is the prospective pilgrims are leaving for the pilgrim’s use the money generally pays later. So onwards, pilgrims who set off the payment come from the pilgrims who came later. So called by the lid hole dig holes scheme.
Generally, Ponzi scheme is already banned in developed countries because the end will harm the community especially umrah pilgrims. Because if the funding that goes to the company is not much or there something happen, then likely the chair of the candidate’s pilgrims who sign up late will experience congestion.
The results when there is congestion happens, then that will be affected are the prospective umrah pilgrims which later set out, and will always be delayed of their departure, by playing a thousand reasons to explain the delay in departure. Starting from reason documents unfinished taken care of, until the question of the entry visa of Saudi Arabia who encountered some obstacles.
This is to be wary of, particularly for people wishing to depart, umrah travel characteristics between umrah which uses Ponzi schemes are usually scheduled departure to the Holy Land was unclear and also cheap package prices far below from normal price. So if the price offered is cheap then the company is suspected of using the Ponzi scheme that can be detrimental.
The role of the government
Aside from the importance of the community in order to understand financial literacy will, in order that the community can analyze products that offer an enterprise. one the other side, the government in this case should make this issue as learning by creating solutions to those problems.
In terms of the roles, see the problems occurred , especially the Ministry of Religion Affair should prohibits the company travel who use of this Ponzi scheme. Where this scheme though originally launched its residents can perform umrah, but there will come a time where pilgrims later list will be harmed.
With regard to the prohibition, MUI has actually issued a fatwa prohibition stance in accordance with MUI No 75/DSN DSN MUI/V/2009, namely related Money Game, using a Ponzi scheme in one of its business methods. However, the prohibition is so far still normative nature, such as the prohibition of riba which is prohibited by religion but there are no legal sanctions for its users. so presumably the ban need to follow with sanctions for the companies who are breaking the roles.
![First Travel, Between Umrah and Ponzi Scheme]()
So, government should actually be able to regulate marketing of hajj and umrah system starts with an eye on Ponzi schemes even until the determination of the minimum price of umrah, so no as do some travel in the country that offers the package at prices very cheap. The price offered is usually irrational and impossible cover all costs needs while in the Holy land such hotel, and catering.
All this irrational things should be soon completed and provided solutions to these problems. And also important may provide sanctions for companies which keep breaking using a Ponzi scheme as a deterrent effect, so that prospective pilgrims no longer feel aggrieved, also worship can also be implemented with ease.
FIAI Student Of Islamic Economics
Islamic University Of Indonesia
Umrah polemic becomes hot issues recently, everyone talking about it. This issue began when First Travel company has canceled the departure of umrah pilgrims for various reasons. The result of the large number of umrah Pilgrims who do not set off, thus reaping the full range of the criticism relates to the systems used to look for errors that occurred in umrah travel agency.
The peak, August 3 2017, Ministry of religious affairs has been revoking authorization the company’s operation because is considered to have done a breach of the Law on the organization of the hajj and umrah worship especially article 65 a No. 79/2012 on the implementation of Act No.13/2008 about organizing the pilgrimage.
Violations in the form of a waiver of umrah pilgrims and resulted in the failed departure to Saudi Arabia, as well as the material and immaterial losses in natural by umrah pilgrims. Even to this day, umrah’s pilgrims of first travel company loss reaches 550 billion, which the company is required to promptly do the compensation.
Potential umrah business
Umrah became its own penchant for umrah pilgrims who wanted to go for Holy Land, specially Makkah and Madinah, and even now, umrah is no longer become expensive items for people of Indonesia. It is inseparable from convenience and a greater quota so that it does not require a long time to get going.
If we look the data, people who perform umrah experience increased continuously every year, even umrah’s pilgrisms of Indonesia ranks third largest umrah’s pilgrims in the world. According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Saudi Arabia government at year 2016, where number umrah visas that have been issued for Indonesia reached 699 thousand worshippers, increase 7.2 percent from the previous year.
Business of umrah will always be many enthusiasts and can even be done each month due to its market segment is already clear, that muslims people of Indoneisa who want perform worship by going to the Holy Land more quickly so that the umrah became the solution of it. Those reasons make the business a very seductive, because it can be profitable.
Alert of Ponzi scheme
Commonly, travel agency used marketing tricks by making umrah pilgrims insistence on the cheap with a promo given by travel umrah, then when the pilgrims interested, candidates will then be obliged to pay in accordance with the promo price, but the departure will be announced later.
When observed further, the scheme used for travel that relies on various promos cheap is a Ponzi scheme. In general, Ponzi scheme is a scheme with closed-hole dig system. It is the prospective pilgrims are leaving for the pilgrim’s use the money generally pays later. So onwards, pilgrims who set off the payment come from the pilgrims who came later. So called by the lid hole dig holes scheme.
Generally, Ponzi scheme is already banned in developed countries because the end will harm the community especially umrah pilgrims. Because if the funding that goes to the company is not much or there something happen, then likely the chair of the candidate’s pilgrims who sign up late will experience congestion.
The results when there is congestion happens, then that will be affected are the prospective umrah pilgrims which later set out, and will always be delayed of their departure, by playing a thousand reasons to explain the delay in departure. Starting from reason documents unfinished taken care of, until the question of the entry visa of Saudi Arabia who encountered some obstacles.
This is to be wary of, particularly for people wishing to depart, umrah travel characteristics between umrah which uses Ponzi schemes are usually scheduled departure to the Holy Land was unclear and also cheap package prices far below from normal price. So if the price offered is cheap then the company is suspected of using the Ponzi scheme that can be detrimental.
The role of the government
Aside from the importance of the community in order to understand financial literacy will, in order that the community can analyze products that offer an enterprise. one the other side, the government in this case should make this issue as learning by creating solutions to those problems.
In terms of the roles, see the problems occurred , especially the Ministry of Religion Affair should prohibits the company travel who use of this Ponzi scheme. Where this scheme though originally launched its residents can perform umrah, but there will come a time where pilgrims later list will be harmed.
With regard to the prohibition, MUI has actually issued a fatwa prohibition stance in accordance with MUI No 75/DSN DSN MUI/V/2009, namely related Money Game, using a Ponzi scheme in one of its business methods. However, the prohibition is so far still normative nature, such as the prohibition of riba which is prohibited by religion but there are no legal sanctions for its users. so presumably the ban need to follow with sanctions for the companies who are breaking the roles.

So, government should actually be able to regulate marketing of hajj and umrah system starts with an eye on Ponzi schemes even until the determination of the minimum price of umrah, so no as do some travel in the country that offers the package at prices very cheap. The price offered is usually irrational and impossible cover all costs needs while in the Holy land such hotel, and catering.
All this irrational things should be soon completed and provided solutions to these problems. And also important may provide sanctions for companies which keep breaking using a Ponzi scheme as a deterrent effect, so that prospective pilgrims no longer feel aggrieved, also worship can also be implemented with ease.