Wanted! Buyer of Saracen Services

Senin, 28 Agustus 2017 - 19:09 WIB
Wanted! Buyer of Saracen...
Wanted! Buyer of Saracen Services
JAKARTA - Minister of Communications and Information Technology (Menkominfo) Rudiantara has been ordered by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to find out who is ordering content hate speech to Saracen.

"The president has called me, asking for who is ordering and paying Saracen," Rudiantara said during a working meeting with Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR), Jakarta, Monday (28/8).

Menkominfo also has cooperated with Polri. He said the government is serious about handling hate speech business practices in social media.

Meanwhile, investigators of the Criminal Investigation Unit
National Police have coordinated with the Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center (PPATK) to track the flow of funds into several Saracen group manager accounts.

"We are coordinating with PPATK related to the effort to trace the flow of funds," said Head of Police Public Information Section Commisaris Martinus Sitompul at Bantional Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (28/8).

Investigators are still searching for financial transactions ever conducted Saracen groups and parties suspected of using the services of suspects.

"There are several accounts that are still being analyzed to be able to know the flow of funds, how much money, whether there is a misleading news order," said Martinus.
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