First Travel Use Artist to Search for Victims

Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017 - 17:44 WIB
First Travel Use Artist...
First Travel Use Artist to Search for Victims
JAKARTA - Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) continue to record and seize the assets of First Travel bos, Andika Surachman and his wife Anniesa Hasibuan.

Head of Partners Division Public Relations National Police, Commissioner Awi Setiyono revealed, so far police have 30 witnesses who examined. Police said also has seized a number of assets allegedly purchased from umrah pilgrims.

"We hope investigators can uncover all the facts," said Awi at National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday (23/8).

Awi also revealed the results of a police investigation related to the existence of a number of top artists called-called to promote First Travel. Call it for example, Ria Irawan, singer Syahrini and deceased Julia Perez (Jupe).

Awi explained, explaining based on the results of a temporary investigation, artists who participate in promoting First Travel deliberately invited because of their big names.

"They (the artist) was only used to attract pilgrims as much," said Awi.

Previously, the police revealed the latest data related to the number of victims and benefits of First Travel.

Based on the data obtained by the investigator, the total number of registered umrah pilots from December 2016 to May 2017 was 72,682 people. Of these, as many as 14,000 pilgrims have departed. The remaining 58,682 people have not yet left for the Holy Land despite paying off.

"They failed to depart even though it has increased the cost for charter aircraft Rp2, 5 million. Although there are already directed to the airport but not also dispatched," said Director of Crime General National Police, Brigadier General Herry Rudolf Nahak in Jakarta on Tuesday, (22/8).
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