Recommend Color and Culture in Children Early

Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017 - 18:44 WIB
Recommend Color and...
Recommend Color and Culture in Children Early
JAKARTA - Color is an integral part of everyday life in all parts of the world, including in Indonesia. From these that one of them inspires the meaningful Bhinneka Tunggal Ika motto: Let be different but still one.

Color also an important part that children need to know from an early age. On that basis, color became the basis of the event of the
Pascola National Coloring Competition themed 'Ceria Warna Nusantara' on Saturday (12/8) in Thamrin City Mall, Jakarta.

"This theme is raised as a standard of concern for the Standardpen to Indonesian culture rich with colors such as Pascola colors. With this coloring contest we want to introduce the culture, icon of different archipelago and color," said Niken D. Mahanani, Marketing Manager of PT Standardpen Industries, producer of
Pascola oil pastel.

Niken added, coloring is a basic education for children in adding insight as well as sharpen the child's motor for more creative.

"The purpose of this competition make children more creative again in the work, colored are the symbols of Indonesian culture," she added.

The participants colored the symbols of the three provinces of Sumatra, Bali and Java. The children of Medan, Makassar and Balikpapan had the opportunity to color the icons from Sumatera namely Minangkabau traditional house and Minang traditional clothes.

In contrast to participants from Semarang coloring Borobudur and Yogyakarta that colored the Javanese customs. While Jakarta and Surabaya have the opportunity to color the Balinese custom.

"We want the children of Indonesia to know more about the culture of other areas also better understand their own culture and custom. At least with this simple thing can foster a sense of love of children in Indonesian culture," said Niken.

Coloring Competition 'Ceria Warna Nusantara' is held throughout April-August in 16 cities from 13 provinces, namely Semarang, Malang, Bali, Tasikmalaya, Surabaya, Jakarta, Cilegon, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Lampung, Medan, Bukittinggi, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makassar and Batam.

Each race in each city followed by hundreds to thousands of children. In Jakarta at least nearly 1500 children will color the Balinese culture. Of that number there will be 16 major winners from 16 cities. That is, every city will be taken one winner who will enjoy the gift of family holiday packages to Bali with two companions, namely their father and mother.

"Through this coloring contest we are also trying to help the promotion of Indonesian tourism," said Niken.
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