PKS Still Walk Out if Fahri Hamzah Lead House of Representatives Meeting

Kamis, 01 Juni 2017 - 06:36 WIB
PKS Still Walk Out if...
PKS Still Walk Out if Fahri Hamzah Lead House of Representatives Meeting
JAKARTA - Walk Out (WO) action which doing by Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) fraction in plenary session on the macroeconomic framework and the principal fiscal policy of the Revised State Budget of 2018 at House of Representatives, was not the last time.

They will continue to perform the action every time if Vice Speaker of the House, Fahri Hamzah chaired the meeting. They just stopped to Walk Out if Fahri Hamzah has been replaced by Ledia Hanifa.

"Yes, it will be WO until letter of faction is followed up," said Vice Chairman of PKS
Syuro Council, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (31/5).

He said, the attitude of his party has been explained by members of the PKS faction, Sigit Sosiantomo during an interruption in the Plenary Session of House of Representatives yesterday.

"The existence of the leadership according to the assignment submitted by the faction due to the presence of the leadership of the AKD (board fittings) whether in the commission or in the body, including the board leadership in accordance with the decision of the faction," said this deputy chairman of MPR.

According to him, replacement of House Speaker, Fahri Hamzah to Ledia Hanifa does not need to wait for the legal process that is still running. Therefore, Fahri Hamzah's lawsuit against his dismissal from PKS cadre with the change of position of deputy chairman of the House is considered is two different things.

"Legal case is related to his case as a member of the council, but for example I am the leader in Banggar, I can be moved fractions whenever the faction wants, that's what happens and happens to anyone," he said.

He added, the replacement of House Speaker Fahri Hamzah to Ledia Hanifa same with the change of position Chairman of the House Representative from Ade Komarudin to Setya Novanto.

"That is the decision of the faction which is the elongation of the party," he concluded.

As is known, PKS faction Walk Out in the plenary session of the House of Representatives yesterday. They objected Fahri Hamzah was still allowed to chair the plenary session of the House
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