Religious People in Region Still Calm and Conducive

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017 - 13:46 WIB
Religious People in...
Religious People in Region Still Calm and Conducive
SAMOSIR - The issue of Religion and Racial (SARA) which recently flourished and developed in the community is called only massive occurred in Jakarta as the effect of election some time ago.

"If we look at the region like today, the people are calm, conducive and peaceful, for that there is nothing to worry about," said senior politician of
PDIP, Effendi MS Simbolon on sidelines of Safari Ramadan at Masjid Al Hasanah Pangururan Samosir, North Sumatera, Friday (26/5).

In his capacity as Chairman of Punguan Simbolon dohot Boruna Indonesia (PSBI), Effendi saw
religious harmony and tolerance in Samosir running harmoniously.

One of the forms of tolerance that has been done in Samosir is to support the construction of mosques in various attractions in Samosir so that Muslim tourists easily perform for pr

"We are also working with the Chief of police, so that there will be no external provocations that destroy harmony among religious people in Samosir," he said.

Mentioned, PSBI is very concerned with religious harmony. PSBI also gives full support to the Muslims who run the fast.

"We feel the diversity and tolenrasi of the religious community in Indonesia, especially in PSBI, there are various religions in PSBI," Effendi said.

Safari Ramadan itself is done after the Tarawih prayer. Effendi, Samosir regent Rapidin Simbolon, Samosir
Police Chief AKBP Donald Simanjuntak and several other PSBI boards who will conduct a working meeting of the region of North Sumatra stay in touch with the Muslims in Pangururan who will perform the fast.
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