Ministry of SOE's Sacking President Director of Askrindo

Jum'at, 05 Mei 2017 - 01:16 WIB
Ministry of SOEs Sacking...
Ministry of SOE's Sacking President Director of Askrindo
JAKARTA - Budi Tjahjono's status as a suspected alleged corruption while serving as Director of PT Jasindo by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Wednesday (3/5) then made the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) explicitly dismissed him as President Director of Askrindo.

Budi Tjahjono was named as suspect in a case involving the payment of
BP Migas-KKKS fictitious commissions of oil and gas insurance.

Deputy for Financial Services, Survey and Consultant Services, Gatot Trihargo asserted, Ministry of SOEs will not tolerate any unlawful activities in state-owned operations while providing services to the public.

"The violation of the law is not in accordance with the big plans of the Ministry of
SOEs to build SOEs as agents of development and Nawacita. Every misconduct misbehaved dreams of SOEs and deviate from one of the main criteria of BUMN leadership that leads with the heart for people of Indonesia," said Gatot in Jakarta , Thursday (4/5).

He continued, Ministry of SOEs committed to apply zero tolerance against all corruption cases and has dismissed Budi Tjahjono as President Director of Askrindo.

The Ministry of
SOEs also asked Jasindo to conduct a further investigation audit of the oil and gas insurance cover at BP Migas-KKKS in 2010-2012 and 2012-2014 which resulted in state losses of around Rp15 billion.

Gatot hopes this case becomes a learning to all leaders and employees of SOEs to always apply Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in carrying out the task.

"As a state-owned enterprise, the SOE's duties are the mandate of the people, therefore, all the President Commissioners and President Director of BUMN must avoid the actions of unlawful and unlawful activities and SOE must continue to apply GCG practice consistently and continuously Supervision to all its staff to avoid the practice of lawlessness in carrying out the duty," said Gatot.
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