Kartini in Present Time, Reassure Women to Not be Migrant Workers

Jum'at, 28 April 2017 - 04:49 WIB
Kartini in Present Time,...
Kartini in Present Time, Reassure Women to Not be Migrant Workers
JAKARTA - At moment of Kartini's commemoration, three clients of PT Permodalan Nasional Madanai (PNM) received the 'Kartini Masa Kini Award' from Indonews.

The award was given to Baiq Rohk Hilmi, women businessman of Mataram seaweed chips and crackers. Suratmi, tempe chips entrepreneurs from Kediri and Iis Aisyah, entrepreneurs know the origin of Sukabumi in Jakarta (26/4).

"We want to create a new female icon that inspires other women in the progress of Small Micro Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia," said Arief Mulyadi, Director of Planning and Business Development of PNM.

Women, he continued, have an important role in most MSE's that women tend to run.

Baiq Rohk Hilmi, housewife from Karang Baru, Selaparang Sub-district, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province, in the midst of her busy, told about the business of seaweed chips and crackers that have been cultivated since 2011.

"At first I was concerned about housewives living in my neighborhood, they liked to do things that were not important, I was determined to encourage them to improve the family welfare by starting a business of kripik and seaweed crackers," said Baiq.

Baiq now had 50 employees spread to several areas outside his residence and is able to bring in income for housewives in the vicinity.

While Iis Aisyah, entrepreneurs from Sukabumi also have a winding story in building her business. Iis started the business in 1998 only through three employees and 20 kg of soybean to be processed into tempe and tofu.

Now, he already has 18 employees and is able to produce 600-800 kg of soybeans per day. Interestingly, she trying to recruit female employees who are widows around the factory.

"I try to convince them not to choose to be Female Migrant Workers (TKW) abroad," said Iis.

Then there is Suratmi, business owner of tempe chips from Kediri that has been marketed to foreign countries. Not only focus on running tempe chips business, Suratmi expanded its business to plastic store and became the pioneer of cultivation starfruit cultivation.

"In Kediri, many tempe entrepreneurs, it makes me see the opportunity and innovate to make tempe into tempe chips. Now I'm became Chairman of the Association of Tempe Chips of Kediri and already has 15 groups," said Suratmi.

"In Kediri many tempe entrepreneurs, it makes me see the opportunity and innovate to make tempe into tempe chips.Now I became Chairman of the Association of Tempe Chips of Kediri and already has 15 groups built," said Suratmi.

In this event, Indonews also awarded 'Kartini Masa Kini Award' to 10 other women who are considered to have a great contribution to advancement of Indonesian women.
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