Viewing Minangkabau from 'Surau and Silek' Perspective

Viewing Minangkabau from 'Surau and Silek' Perspective
JAKARTA - More and more the production houses (PH) eyeing the local wisdom as movie themes. Mahakarya Pictures one of them through the latest film by Arif Malinmudo entitled 'Surau and Silek'.
Through Minangkabau culture, where one of the educational places for children is conducted in Surau (mosque), where they learn to study, discuss about various things and learn Silek (silat), This film seeks to confirm if Surau remains a place to form their mindset which now considered no longer relevant to modern life.
"I'm set from the goal, I want invite the audience, mainly the younger generation to read the wisdom in Minangkabau. Many Minangkabau figures, great forged by the culture of Surau," said the director, Arif Malinmudo in Jakarta, Tuesday (25/4).
Although there is a silat scene in this movie, Arif mention if this film is not action film, but the family drama can be watched by various age.
"The formation of character in family and the environment, where one of them in Surau and silat becomes main theme, so instead of performing silat as the main menu," said Arif.
Arif continued, through this film the younger generation can see the tradition that almost faded there is the activity in Surau which is also a medium of interaction between generations.
"I want to pack it in a simpler way. The tradition is almost gone nowadays considering the development of technology," he said. .
In this film, Dewi Irawan, Gilang Dirga, Komo Ricky, Praz Teguh, Yusril Katil, Dato 'A Tamimi will compete acting with the original children from Bukittinggi ie Bintang Khairafi, Muhammad Razi, Bima Jousant, Randu Arini and F. Barry Cheln .
Uniquely, 'Surau dn Silek' which scheduled release on April 27 will be full use Minang language, but of course there will be Indonesian language subtitles to facilitate the audience who do not understand Minang language.
Through Minangkabau culture, where one of the educational places for children is conducted in Surau (mosque), where they learn to study, discuss about various things and learn Silek (silat), This film seeks to confirm if Surau remains a place to form their mindset which now considered no longer relevant to modern life.
"I'm set from the goal, I want invite the audience, mainly the younger generation to read the wisdom in Minangkabau. Many Minangkabau figures, great forged by the culture of Surau," said the director, Arif Malinmudo in Jakarta, Tuesday (25/4).
Although there is a silat scene in this movie, Arif mention if this film is not action film, but the family drama can be watched by various age.
"The formation of character in family and the environment, where one of them in Surau and silat becomes main theme, so instead of performing silat as the main menu," said Arif.
Arif continued, through this film the younger generation can see the tradition that almost faded there is the activity in Surau which is also a medium of interaction between generations.
"I want to pack it in a simpler way. The tradition is almost gone nowadays considering the development of technology," he said. .
In this film, Dewi Irawan, Gilang Dirga, Komo Ricky, Praz Teguh, Yusril Katil, Dato 'A Tamimi will compete acting with the original children from Bukittinggi ie Bintang Khairafi, Muhammad Razi, Bima Jousant, Randu Arini and F. Barry Cheln .
Uniquely, 'Surau dn Silek' which scheduled release on April 27 will be full use Minang language, but of course there will be Indonesian language subtitles to facilitate the audience who do not understand Minang language.