Here's Wisnu Offerings for Birthday of Malang City

Senin, 03 April 2017 - 06:55 WIB
Heres Wisnu Offerings...
Here's Wisnu Offerings for Birthday of Malang City
JAKARTA - Coinciding with the 103th anniversary of Malang, as well as the form of affection for city nicknamed the apple town, the actor who is now also a young entrepreneur, Teuku Wisnu pour new packaging idea by packing typical snacks of Malang Strudel (MS).

Packaging which meant to bring the iconic elements of Malang, especially for tourist attractions and also some other advantages that exist in this city.

"I feel so close to Malang. I feel Malang my own home. And in this Malang import
ant day, I think to bring some iconic city of Malang in Malang Strudel packaging," said Wisnu in Jakarta, Saturday (1/4).

This husband of actress Shireen Sungkar s
aid, the idea of packaging with iconic Malang city symbol also is intended that the MS looks more fresh and follow the dynamics of the development of more innovative of Malang.

"The interface will be fresher the iconic image of the city of Malang. In addition, consumers have also become closer to Malang through iconic image display existing Malang in M
alang Strudel packaging. And the future design packaging also can be kept at home," said Wisnu.
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