West Papua Government Will Check MV Caledonian Sky Sailing Permit

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017 - 14:24 WIB
West Papua Government...
West Papua Government Will Check MV Caledonian Sky Sailing Permit
MANOKWARI - West Papua provincial government will review the sailing permit of the British-owned cruise ship MV Caledonian Sky to enter into the waters of Raja Ampat.

"Any ship entering the territorial waters of West Papua should carry a permit, including if it entered into the Raja Ampat waters," said local government spokesman, Nataniel D. Mandacan on Friday (18/3).

According to Mandacan, ships sailing into any territorial waters are required to carry a license, including the Bahamma-flagged Caledonian Sky, which entered the waters of Raja Ampat and crashed into a coral reef on March 4, 2017.

The chairman of the drafting team of the conservation of West Papua noted that he will immediately urge the local Department of Transportation to check if the cruise ship has a sailing permit, including for its trip in the waters of Raja Ampat.

Mandacan said the Caledonian Sky should have taken the right route by taking into account the conditions and depth of the sea.

"The ship must pay for the damage and (the government should) review if it has violated other rules that should have been followed," he said.

He added that the Caledonian Sky, which ran aground in the waters of Raja Ampat and caused extensive damage to the coral reefs in the area, was a serious concern for the West Papua provincial government, and that the central government, through the relevant ministry, has taken steps to resolve the case.

Investigations are still ongoing and the investigators, along with Indonesias conservation team, will reassess the damage caused by the Caledonian Sky.

According to the local police chief, the initial inquiry revealed that the direct impact of the incident was the destruction of 1,600 square meters of coral reefs in the territorial waters of West Weigeo in Raja Ampat.

Separate, Regent of Raja Ampat, Faris Abdul Umlati also was confused why a British cruise ship, MV Caledonian Sky can pass in the conservation area. There are rules of conservation areas should not be crossed by a large ship.

"The truth has always been a regulation that actually adhered to everyone. We were all confused, how could they pass through this area because it is an area of CTF (MMAF) and conservation of all," said Abdul Faris in Raja Ampat, West Papua, on Thursday (16/3).

Abdul added that so far there has never been a big ship passing in the area of damaged reefs by MV Caledonian Sky the 4,200 GT weighs .

"As long as there is no large ship through here. We are very careful as well, which is the size of the vessel 30 GT have been very careful to pass through the canal area surrounding the straits here," he said.
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