Rumored 'Exploded', Foreign Ministry Can't Ensure Bahrumsyah Fate

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017 - 18:51 WIB
Rumored Exploded, Foreign...
Rumored 'Exploded', Foreign Ministry Can't Ensure Bahrumsyah Fate
JAKARTA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not confirm news of Bahrumsyah death or known among ISIS as ISIS Commander for Southeast Asia, "Abu Muhammad al Indonesi '.

Spokesman for Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Arrmanantha Nassir states, every citizen who crossed into Syria to join the armed groups are never reported to the Indonesian representative in Syria.

Therefore, government did not know about the whereabouts or fate of citizens who join the group.

"We can not verify whether he was dead or not. That's difficulty, because they are illegal. Unless they are registered, we can immediately verify and tell to his family," said Arrmanantha in Jakarta, Wednesday (15/3).
Previously reported, Bahrumsyah killed after explosive-laden car that he driving toward the Syrian Army units in Palmyra exploded prematurely.

ISIS later confirmed death of Bahrumsyah. But, in a posting on social media, the group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghadadi claimed the attack on the Syrian troops was a success.

"Attacks 'Abu Muhammad al Indonesi' managed to cause damage to the enemy," said ISIS on

Bahrumsyah own name began to appear since 2014, or after he appeared in a recruitment video. Where in the video that she called on militants in Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries in Southeast Asia to join ISIS.
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