Through SOEs Synergy, Indramayu Serve Premium Rice

Sabtu, 11 Maret 2017 - 21:34 WIB
Through SOEs Synergy,...
Through SOEs Synergy, Indramayu Serve Premium Rice
INDRAMAYU - As is known, Indramayu into national granary areas with rice yields exceeded 1.7 million tonnes per year, which local consumption only 250,000 tons per year. But ironically, with the result that, Indramayu district still has a high poverty rate.

"To end
that, synergy among SOEs should provide support to farmers in Indramayu be able to conduct post-harvest handling. Until later, the farmers get the maximum results, one of them is by making regular rice into premium rice," said SOE Minister, Rini M Sumarno when present in SOEs Synergy Between Indramayu district, as well as Rice Center and Digitalization of Agriculture program in Mundu village, Indramayu, Friday (10/3).

In line with this, PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) has guidance to the program in order to Indramayu farmers cultivate premium rice in Indramayu through Koperasi Malai Padi, Indramayu.

"Most of the rice granary here is ordinary rice but farmers interested to cultivate premium rice and it will help farmers get the maximum results, because we also see premium rice to be one of a good market," said Director of PNM, Parman Nataatmadja.

Parman continued,
Koperasi Malai Padi could oversee the process of premium rice cultivation and later can act as distributor.

Koperasi Malai Padi will be working with rice SOEs become offtacker for other state enterprises also have started. So this pioneering step for us," he continued.

"We will help farmers in Indramayu that change mainset them, and we will continue to assist them in order to cultivate premium rice to earn higher profits again for them as well as improving the lives of farmers in Indramayu," explained Parman were present with 13 Director of SOE more.

In the same place Executive Vice President
PNM, Arief Mulyadi explained, this is a synergy between PNM SOEs with PT KAI in fund distribution partnership to foster farmers in Indramayu in order to obtain maximum results.

"PNM distribute funds to members of partnership with Koperasi Malai Padi in 70 hectares, and the synergy between PNM and PT KAI for additional distribution of funds and a partnership of 60 hectares. And in the future we will do synergies with other SOEs to do the certification," explained Arief.
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