Zakat Distribution Still Overlap?

Kamis, 02 Maret 2017 - 22:16 WIB
Zakat Distribution Still...
Zakat Distribution Still Overlap?
JAKARTA - The absence of a formal discussion related coordination of the distribution of zakat funds enable the program carried out by zakat institution be overlapped with the government or private organizations.

"It should be specified, which
Rumah Zakat is already do, in which the government. If not yet, we do together," said CEO of Rumah Zakat, Nur Efendi in Jakarta, Wednesday (1/2).

Coordination with the government is also expected to help achieve the target of Suistanable Development Goals (SDGs).

Nur said, Rumah Zakat now raise Rp225 billion of alms and zakat public in 2016. The funds were among channeled to development programs 800 villages helpless in that year. While in 2017, the program added to 280 villages.

"We want to build the empowerment of the village, so no need anymore to the city to prosper, even to a migrant worker," he said.

Meanwhile, Consultant of Rumah Zakat which also Senior Lecturer University of Melbourne, Aryo Bagus said zakat funds has the potential to help alleviate poverty in Indonesia.

In 2015, the government funds for poverty alleviation in Indonesia amounted to Rp 80 trillion. While the potential of zakat in Indonesia reached Rp 200 trillion.

"That means if zakat funds can be collected and distributed optimally, can alleviate poverty in Indonesia," he said.

He also agreed that a more proactive zakat institutions deliver their zakat to the government program. Thus, the distribution of poverty alleviation funds can be better targeted.

"With more proactive does not mean pro-government, but it is a way to be more effective and efficient. On the contrary, the government is not expected to issue a policy that can inhibit zakat institution," he said.

Meanwhile the National Secretariat of the SDGs, Arum
Atmawikarta said the government alone can not achieve the target SDGs. There needs to be cooperation from the four elements to achieve this target the government, the private sector, academia, and public agencies such as the Rumah Zakat.

"The government has invited three of these elements to sit together and get input to jointly achieve the target SDGs. But the talks have not been in the stage of formal cooperation," said Arum.

He said the target of MDG in internationally has actually been surpassed by Indonesia in 2008, namely of return US$
1 per capita per day.

"But we are now pursuing national targets to raise the limit to around US$
1.5. At present there are still 11 percent of the people who were in the poverty line, and is targeted to be reduced to 7.5 percent," he said.
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