Become Suspect, Malaysian Police will Compel North Korean Diplomat

Rabu, 22 Februari 2017 - 15:16 WIB
Become Suspect, Malaysian...
Become Suspect, Malaysian Police will Compel North Korean Diplomat
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia has asked for North Korea's help in searching for a senior embassy official wanted in connection with the killing of Kim Jong-nam who died last week at Kuala Lumpur airport. Police also confirmed details of the killing, saying two women approached him and wiped a toxin on his face.

There is widespread suspicion North Korea was behind the attack, which its envoy in Malaysia has angrily denied.

Speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, Malaysian Police, Chief Khalid Abu Bakar said they were looking for three North Koreans in addition to the previously announced suspects. One of them is Hyon Kwang Song, the second secretary of the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

Khalid Abu Bakar said they had written to the North Korean ambassador to Malaysia asking him to allow police to interview Hyon and other suspects, which include a state airline worker.

If the ambassador does not co-operate, "we will compel them to come to us", he said.

The police chief also said security had been stepped up at the morgue where Kim Jong-nam's body is being kept after an attempted break-in earlier in the week.

"We knew there were attempts by someone to break into the hospital mortuary. We had to take precautions," he was quoted by the Malay Mail as saying.
Who are the suspects?

Ten people have either been named as suspects or are wanted by Malaysian police for questioning in connection to Kim Jong-nam's killing.

Malaysian police also tell if they alredy know what toxic which make Nam died.

Khalid said the two female suspects had wiped a toxin on Kim's face with their bare hands "and after that they went away".

Indonesian authorities have said Siti Aisyah had thought she was taking part in a TV prank, but Khalid said the women had clearly been "instructed to clean their hands" and that they knew the substance was toxic. He added that the women practised the move several times beforehand in shopping centres in Kuala Lumpur.

Authorities are still waiting for the results of the post-mortem examination of Kim's body, and are seeking his family members to provide a DNA sample. North Korea has demanded that Kim's body be returned to them, and has angrily objected to Malaysia conducting an autopsy of the body. Malaysia has cited the need to carry out an investigation as Mr Kim died on their soil.

Relations between the two countries have become strained over the incident, with North Korea's ambassador to Malaysia saying he did not trust the police investigation and Kuala Lumpur recalling its envoy in Pyongyang.
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