Participatory of Populist Economic Empowerment, PNM Achieves SOEs Award
Rabu, 25 Januari 2017 - 19:48 WIB

Participatory of Populist Economic Empowerment, PNM Achieves SOEs Award
JAKARTA - Achievement of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) for building Indonesian economy by channeling capital to the perpetrators of Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia, appreciate by Ministry of SOEs through SOEs Leaders Award for Populist Economic Empowerment categories.
CEO of PNM, Parman Nataatmadja received the award which given by Minister of SOEs, Rini Soemarno in the Opening of Executive Leadership Program for Directors of SOEs at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/1).
"In 2017, PNM targeted to serve two million underprivileged housewives productive throughout Indonesia, as well as strengthening the office network services currently numbering 1,136 became 1,839 in potential areas. This award make us triggered for much better," said Parman.
PNM throughout 2016 has disbursed loans to MSEs to Rp5.24 trillion through two main programs, namely Micro Capital Services Unit (ULaMM) program, which provides funding and guidance directly to the community, as well as Fostering Family Welfare (Mekaar) program which targeting housewives underprivileged productive in Indonesia.
Until now, the PNM service offices ULaMM and Mekaar own 1,136 service offices spread throughout Indonesia and has been serving customers in 4,093 sub-districts.
CEO of PNM, Parman Nataatmadja received the award which given by Minister of SOEs, Rini Soemarno in the Opening of Executive Leadership Program for Directors of SOEs at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/1).
"In 2017, PNM targeted to serve two million underprivileged housewives productive throughout Indonesia, as well as strengthening the office network services currently numbering 1,136 became 1,839 in potential areas. This award make us triggered for much better," said Parman.
PNM throughout 2016 has disbursed loans to MSEs to Rp5.24 trillion through two main programs, namely Micro Capital Services Unit (ULaMM) program, which provides funding and guidance directly to the community, as well as Fostering Family Welfare (Mekaar) program which targeting housewives underprivileged productive in Indonesia.
Until now, the PNM service offices ULaMM and Mekaar own 1,136 service offices spread throughout Indonesia and has been serving customers in 4,093 sub-districts.