See Four Obstacles for Fulfilling Indonesia Child Rights

Kamis, 22 Desember 2016 - 05:28 WIB
See Four Obstacles for...
See Four Obstacles for Fulfilling Indonesia Child Rights
JAKARTA - Government through the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) focusing on four priority issues namely the high consumption of GGL (sugar, salt and fat), smoking, child marriage, and orderly traffic. KPPPA see Z generation which born between 1995-2011 may experience these problems.

"All four of these issues must be addressed in an effort to improve the quality of children with the help of the active participation of children," said Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia (PPA), Yohanna Yembise at education for school-age children event titled Genzi (Generation Z Indonesia) in Jakarta, recently.

Nutrition problems in children linked consumption of sugar, salt and fat (GGL) to the attention of the new, this is because more and more children are double malnourished.

"Malnutrition caused by consumption patterns that are not healthy. The influence of advertising massive than products of junk food, food and instant drinks that contain that does not comply with the required nutrients," added Deputy Growth KPPPA, Lenny N Rosalin.

Lenny continued, socio-cultural and technological influences raises issues that can affect the quality of the child in the future. The influence of advertising, movies, and social media becomes a source that does not have a filter.

Moreover, the problems that have for many years been the world's attention the health, namely cigarettes. Cigarette consumption becomes a major problem because the number of smokers in the age of children and adolescents continues to show an increasing trend from year to year.

"Ministry of Health data show that the prevalence of adolescents aged 16-19 years who smoke increased three-fold from 7.1 percent in 1995 to 20.5 percent in 2014. And even more surprising is increasingly young age started smoking early. Smokers beginners aged 10-14 years increased more than 100 percent in less than 20 years, from 8.9 percent in 1995 to 18 percent in 2013," she said.

Then, the issue of child marriage is also increasing. Ranked as child marriages in Indonesia occupied the highest position of number two ASEAN. More than 700 million women alive today were married when still a child, where one out of three are married before the age of 15 years (UNICEF 2016).

"The girls who marry young face adverse consequences for their health as a result of giving birth early, increasing the risk of domestic violence, poor nutrition, and sexual and reproductive health problems," she said.

And lastly, continued Lenny, the importance of road safety education in well shape the attitudes and behavior in children. Throughout 2010-2015 there were at least 176 thousand minors are victims of road accidents.

"This means that every day there are 85 children in an accident. So it can be concluded that the orderly traffic problem is still a major concern for the protection of children," said Lenny.

These conditions, Lenny said, more get attention for KPPPA. In the event it is expected Genzi young people can play an active role to overcome the problems of children in the age. The fourth issue is part of the 31 indicators KLA to be overcome. says that children can actively participate, act as a 'Pioneer and Reporting' of each issue of children.

"Indonesia Eligible Children in 2030 can be achieved when from early on we involve our children, including planning policy/ program/development activities. Involve children in the planning stages is essential that policy programs and development activities could care children," Lenny concluded.
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