Fish Thieves Pact with Person Apparatus

Kamis, 08 Desember 2016 - 19:07 WIB
Fish Thieves Pact with...
Fish Thieves Pact with Person Apparatus
JAKARTA - Perpetrators of illegal fishing still continues to look for loopholes to be able to act in various waters of Indonesia.

"Fish thieves still find a gap, there is a pact with local aparatus officers," said
Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti.
in Jakarta, Thursday (8/12).

However, according to her, the current foreign fishing vessels were fishing illegally mostly operate at the border because most boats caught fish thieves in the region.

Susi said the fish thieves from various countries desperate to find a gap because they know for sure the number of fish in the waters of those countries has been significantly reduced.

She points out, the last time the government officials to enforce the law by sinking ships in bulk is on August 17, 2016.

Since then, she said, law enforcement officials both from the Navy, CTF PSDKP, Polair, until Bakamla have arrested 122 illegal fishing vessels.

Previously, Susi plans to expand the role of Task Force 115 from only tackle illegal fishing to handle a variety of crimes in national territorial waters.

"Task Force 115 will be converted into an expanded task force on crime ocean (marine crime)," Susi said last Thursday.

So the task force not only crack down on illegal fishing, but for any crimes or crimes related to the sea.

Susi aware of illegal fishing is not just about the fish, but also related to other crimes.

"What's worse, they can also smuggle drugs and firearms,"
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