When Beery Saint Locco Campaign for Drink and Act Responsible

Kamis, 01 Desember 2016 - 06:58 WIB
When Beery Saint Locco...
When Beery Saint Locco Campaign for Drink and Act Responsible
JAKARTA - After success with a number of roadshows party in several cities, San Miguel invite you again, all music lovers homeland to reminisce at the next event. Event newest music festival San Miguel Midnight Groove.

While enjoying and sharing stories with friends and people near you, you can watch performances by renowned musicians' 90s in this event.

Among them, Steven Jam, Beery Saint Loco, as well as The BRAD consisting of Yukie Pasband (vocalist), Wima J-rocks, Richard Mutter Pas band, Mplay Utopia, Andi Bachrie Vota.

"We want to establish a strong relationship with our beer connoisseur. Through the guest stars who presented carrying campaign 'drink responsible' with positive messages. It is hoped this can educate beer lovers to always act responsibly. Do not drive while drunk, and always know your limit. They could also spend time with colleagues and friends, only just between friends," said Brand Manager of San Miguel, Jaka Sebastian in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/11) .
When Beery Saint Locco Campaign for Drink and Act Responsible

Rows of musicians in San Miguel Midnight Groove it will present at the roadshow held in Bandung, Jakarta and Bali. Do not forget to log on the game.

"We choose these three cities as it becomes a lifestyle trendsetter scene that is currently highly developed. And Generation Y Millenials base is quite large and has a very strong influence on the economy of Indonesia," said Jaka.

Here's the schedule San Miguel Midnight Groove. Do not miss it:

1. Wednesday, November 30th at Backroom Bandung with performance of The BRAD f
eaturing Beery Saint Loco .
2. Friday, December 2nd at the Beer Garden Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta, with performance of The BRAD featuring Beery Saint Loco
3. Friday, December 9 at Home Based Bistro, Bali, with performance of Steven Jam.
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