#PonJabarKacau was Trending Topic

Rabu, 21 September 2016 - 22:22 WIB
#PonJabarKacau was Trending...
#PonJabarKacau was Trending Topic
JAKARTA - #PonJabarKacau become a trending topic on Twitter on Tuesday to Wednesday (21/9), as a form of netizens expressed disappointment in the virtual world on some of the controversies that occurred during this national sport competitions. The hashtag was top ranked in Indonesia Trends.

This happens because netizen disappointed with some of the riots in various sports. In Judo, for example, East Kalimantan
team, on Monday (19/9) said referees should be evaluated because it is considered detrimental to the participants from other team, but the home team's favor.

Judo team decided to lift the suitcase though the game is still in progress. According to Jakarta Judo coach, Kamal Djamiat, Monday (19/9), his team resigned because the game is not running sportsmanship.

Water polo games also marked the chaos when the semi-final between West Java and South Sumatra, on Monday (19/9) night.

The committee stopped the match when supporters began to heat up. However, there is a person who actually threw bottles also about the city athletes who were watching.

Mouth tig will turn into fist fights. From the video that circulated, visible the uniformed officers could not withstand the emotion so it would cast a blow.
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