Sunday Morning with 'Golden Lady' White Hijab

Minggu, 18 September 2016 - 15:45 WIB
Sunday Morning with...
Sunday Morning with 'Golden Lady' White Hijab
JAKARTA - In order to continued to build support, candidate for Governor of Jakarta, Hasnaeni volunteers team make sympathetic action for share hijab to the crowd in Car Free Day at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) Circle, Jakarta, Sunday (18/9).

Volunteers on behalf of Community Alliance for Jakarta (Amuja) is also unfurled banners familiar figure called 'Gold
Women' inscribed 'Action 1,000 Hijab for Supports Hasnaeni as Jakarta Governor Period 2017-2022'.

"By giving away this veil, we would like to invite the citizens to support Hasnaeni be a candidate for Governor of Jakarta. We want to invite people care about the condition of Jakarta with support woman candidate," said coordinator of Amuja, Adi Kurniawan while handing white color
hijab to the women who across HI circle.

Jakarta, which was enlivened by two female names, Tri Risma Harini and Hasnaeni that predicted advanced as competitors Basuki T Purnama (Ahok), have faded
now. So the Hasnaeni name, the Democratic Party cadres have also already started to dim her chances ahead of elections DKI.

Amuja, as a successful team Hasnaini also ask the Democratic Party to nominate cadres rather than have to carry another cadres.

"So far we still optimistic Hasnaeni forward and carried the party. As the original cadre of the Democratic Party, the party did not want to support future cadres themselves. Already cadres, why should stretcher other party cadres," said Adi.
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