Artists and Celebrities also can Fight Drugs and Corruption

Sabtu, 10 September 2016 - 18:51 WIB
Artists and Celebrities...
Artists and Celebrities also can Fight Drugs and Corruption
TANGERANG - Not only academics or commonly engaged in the world of politics, celebrity and artist can also play a role in all aspects of life of the state. Including as a response to the current state.

"Inside the organization of BPI, members and investigator come from different professions. There are lawyers, politicians, academics, artists to the general public who have no intention in addressing the problems of the country that profanity like corruption to drug trafficking," said Chairman of the Independent
Researcher Board (BPI), Tb Rahmat Sukendar at board inauguration of BPI period 2016-2019 in South Tangerang, Banten, yesterday.

Said Rahmat, the artist also has an important role that can give a good example to the community.

"So, today we embrace the artists and celebrities ranging from dangdut singer until comedian as members and administrators to take shelter together to address the condition of the current problems and the future," added Rahmat.

Endang Kurnia, one of the dangdut musicians who participated said, BPI into appropriate organization for artists and celebrities.

"BPI board inaugural event has also become a gathering place for us. That much is brought near," said this songwriter of 'Mbah Dukun'.

While dangdut singer, Neneng Anjarwati which entrusted Deputy Public Relations in BPI told, initially joined to BPI because she likes a challenge. This senior dangdut singer hope, work in BPI can also gather more artists to care about the condition of the country.

"It is very exciting for me personally," said Neng.

Added Rahmat, BPI as an independent organization that is independent and is open in an active role to realize good goverment formed since December 2010 and has had a caretaker in 32 provinces throughout Indonesia.
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