There's Irregularities in Third Round Death Execution

Senin, 01 Agustus 2016 - 19:02 WIB
Theres Irregularities...
There's Irregularities in Third Round Death Execution
JAKARTA - A number of irregularities processes and third round death executions one by one began to be disclosed. Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) saw a number of irregularities on the execution of four death row in Nusakambangan, Central Java on Friday (29/7).

YLBHI through the coordinator, Julius Ibrani reveals the gaffe is from the number of convicts executed, which was originally 14 votes to four only.

In addition, the government still execute death row inmate who has been protected in article 13 of Law clemency, namely Sack Osmane, Humphrey Jefferson and Freddy Budiman.

Despite having been killed executed, Freddy Budiman name was still mentioned later related his testimony to the Coordinator of Kontras, Harris Azhar before being executed. Budiman revealed the involvement of a number of officials in the smuggling, trafficking and consumption of drugs for many years.

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About irregularities third round execution process, Julius assess the government deliberately cover a wide range of information, whether in the family or a lawyer, especially about the names of convicts to be executed.

"Government also violated the provisions of the Law on Notification which implies execution was carried 3x24 hours. The death row inmates are given a notification on July 26 evening that the execution should have been on July 29 evening," Julius say.

Another thing, is that the budget plan execution unpublished. YLBHI and a number of institutions
investigation results the costs to execute 14 death row inmates reached Rp7 billion.

"What we difficulties accessing concerning the budget. That's the result of our investigation," he said.

YLBHI urged the government to take concrete actions related to the findings of these improprieties.
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