This Children Struggle in Africa to Study Al Quran
Minggu, 19 Juni 2016 - 20:44 WIB

This Children Struggle in Africa to Study Al Quran
MOGADISHU - Fortunately for us. How easy it is for Muslims in this country to be able to pray, chant or religious study. Mosques are scattered in various places, madrasah, formal and boarding schools too. Even many modern schools are already applying tech devices.
We can easily read Al Quran even when it does not carry though. Just open the gadget, already available digital versions of Al Quran.
But, how about in underdeveloped countries which prolonged by conflict?
In some parts of Africa such as in Mali, Somalia, Chad and Kenya. As this is a view of the Muslims there in reading Al Quran.
The students of madrassas in the state Abashe, Chad, students to learn and memorize Al Quran using wooden planks, just like manuscripts separated.
In Somalia, muslims learning in the madrassa who stood perfunctory. Only a dirt floor, no walls but only surrounded sticks of dry wood.
Not infrequently, they studied at madrasas are outdoors. In the open air heat and severe drought.
This also can be witnessed in the refugee camp outside Dadaab region, the eastern region of Kenya, about 100 kilometers from the border with Somalia. Children displaced Somalis, studying in madrassas held openly.
Al Quran was also not to be imagined as often we read everyday. There are no sheets of paper and a beautiful cover.
As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the children of Somali refugees in refugee camps in Mogadishu also read and write Al Quran on wooden planks.
Since 2011, many Somalis who left their country because of severe drought disaster. Residents haunted by various diseases with the most common disease that is malnourished.
Until now, Somalia was still plagued by conflict. From the start of the civil war, various cases of violence and piracy to terrorism.
We can easily read Al Quran even when it does not carry though. Just open the gadget, already available digital versions of Al Quran.
But, how about in underdeveloped countries which prolonged by conflict?
In some parts of Africa such as in Mali, Somalia, Chad and Kenya. As this is a view of the Muslims there in reading Al Quran.
The students of madrassas in the state Abashe, Chad, students to learn and memorize Al Quran using wooden planks, just like manuscripts separated.
In Somalia, muslims learning in the madrassa who stood perfunctory. Only a dirt floor, no walls but only surrounded sticks of dry wood.
Not infrequently, they studied at madrasas are outdoors. In the open air heat and severe drought.
This also can be witnessed in the refugee camp outside Dadaab region, the eastern region of Kenya, about 100 kilometers from the border with Somalia. Children displaced Somalis, studying in madrassas held openly.
Al Quran was also not to be imagined as often we read everyday. There are no sheets of paper and a beautiful cover.
As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the children of Somali refugees in refugee camps in Mogadishu also read and write Al Quran on wooden planks.
Since 2011, many Somalis who left their country because of severe drought disaster. Residents haunted by various diseases with the most common disease that is malnourished.
Until now, Somalia was still plagued by conflict. From the start of the civil war, various cases of violence and piracy to terrorism.