Cause Siyono Death, Youth of Muhammadiyah Ask Police Version

Kamis, 07 April 2016 - 00:45 WIB
Cause Siyono Death,...
Cause Siyono Death, Youth of Muhammadiyah Ask Police Version
YOGYAKARTA - Statement of the Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) Police Brigadier Agus Rianto some time ago that stated the cause of death suspected terrorists, Siyono clash due to injuries in the head questionable Chairman Youth of Muhammadiyah (PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah), Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak.

"Scientific facts autopsy showed no signs of ever autopsy corpse as described dr. Gatot, Chairman of Forensic Team which was also accompanied by a forensic doctor from police during a press conference after the autopsy process Siyono completed. We do not know what kind police autopsy version Brigadier Jend Agus and stating Siyono deaths caused by collisions in the head," said Dahnil, Thursday (6/4).

He also highlighted the statement obtained Agus related injuries because Siyono trying to take the fight. According to him, Muhammadiyah forensic doctors had found the truth and will communicate fully after laboratory tests.

"Then, about Brigadier Jend Agus statement on behalf of the police who said that if the police have conducted Siyono handling according to legal procedures and there was no cover-up, in which the police had explained all. So, people should not make opinions. We see this statement is not based on a good understanding of the law," said Dahnil.

Not reasonable he was quoted as saying. The disbursement process through autopsy fact Muhammadiyah is at the request of the Commission, and not in order to build an opinion. The autopsy was conducted to find the facts through scientific endeavor.

"That the police are trying to build opinion without scientific foundation. As the deaths Siyono in a collision in the head, when the scientific facts show never existed before autopsy. As stated dr Gatot who are not contradicted by forensic doctors from the police themselves," he explained.

Dahnil hoped police became more professional and respect the law and protect the right to life of its citizens, whoever they are.

"It's time we help police changed for the better through helping Suratmi, wife Siyono seek justice," concluded Dahnil.
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