Siyono Autopsy Shows Broken Bones Chest Indications

Minggu, 03 April 2016 - 23:07 WIB
Siyono Autopsy Shows...
Siyono Autopsy Shows Broken Bones Chest Indications
KLATEN - This surprising result comes from an autopsy Siyono, suspected terrorists were arrested by police in Klaten, Central Java.

Commissioner Human Right National Commisoin (Komnas HAM), Siane Indriyani revealed, according to doctors there are a lot of broken bones in the chest.

''There are a lot of broken bones in the chest. Full results will be analyzed awaiting laboratory tests," said Siane to Sindonews, Sunday (3/4).

At least, continued Siane, in next 7-10 days, doctors will get detailed results and cause of Siyono death.

In addition, continued Siane, team doctors confirmed that the process of the first autopsy conducted on the corpse of the terrorist suspects. The fact that at the same time break the news circulating which police or Special Detachment (Densus) 88 have previously done to the corpse Siyono vise.

He also mentioned, unlike the previous village head said if local residents oppose the autopsy process, just the opposite happened, residents are very supportive of this autopsy process.

''The night before, we went to the people for dialogue and ask their opinion. In general, they do not mind held an autopsy and did not mind if Siyono buried back there,'' said Siane.

The forensic team said was the senior and best of Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang and Central Java. Autopsy process is faster than expected. Initially 6-7 hours but was only 4 hours.

"Most importantly, the autopsy is momentum that proves every citizen the right to obtain justice and examine the actions apparatus is according to legal procedures. At the same time overseeing the authorities no longer act arbitrarily. An autopsy is also not the same intends to weaken the position of police,'' she said.

In this autopsy, the Commission in cooperation with PP Muhammadiyah in a complete team that led Busyro Muqoddas. Komnas HAM commissioner who attended Siane Indriani, Hafid Abbas and Maneger Nasution.
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