Pilot Reported Laser Beams at The Airport Area

Senin, 21 Maret 2016 - 04:20 WIB
Pilot Reported Laser...
Pilot Reported Laser Beams at The Airport Area
JAKARTA - Institutions Organizers of Air Navigation Services Indonesia (Perum LPPNPI) better known by AirNav Indonesia received reports from pilots regarding their laser beams at the airport area.

Corporate Secretary AirNav Indonesia, Ari Suryadharma said he pocketed several reports of pilots at different airports.

"There are some reports at the airport in Batam, Denpasar, Yogyakarta and Jakarta was also there," Ari said on Sunday (20/3).

The report says Ari, delivered directly to the airport authorities, the occurrence of such events.

"Usually the airport authority directly coordinate with the police," said Ari.

Ari asserts that, a laser shot at the airport site is very disturbing view of the pilot. And could be fatal for the security and safety of the flight.

Therefore, AirNav Indonesia continues to urge the public not to fire the laser at the airport area. In addition to endanger flight, the offender can also be affected penalty of three years imprisonment or a fine of Rp 1 billion.

"We socialize with the local community to refrain from activities that disrupt the flight," said Ari.
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