Mystery of Cable Skin Waste Around National Palace
Rabu, 02 Maret 2016 - 20:42 WIB

Mystery of Cable Skin Waste Around National Palace
JAKARTA - Several days later, the Jakarta residents were surprised by the presence of the cable peel waste that has accumulated in gutters Medan Merdeka Selatan road, Central Jakarta which cause blockages causing puddles when it rains in around the National Monument (Monas) and the National Palace. This raises a question mark because of very surprising if there were piles of garbage of cable at the ring area.
Piles of garbage cables skin was originally discovered by the task force of the Dept. of Water System in Central Jakarta on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. At that time, they were combing the sewers at Medan Merdeka Selatan road.
"Wednesday snugly in position Medan Merdeka Selatan road, I along with the task force coordinators open the drain plug to check in situ and was found rubbish like that (leather cord)," said Head of Central Jakarta Water Management Department, Dicky Suherlan, Tuesday (1/3) ,
Initially, officers thought the cable skin that accumulates in the gutters Medan Merdeka Selatan road was only slight. However, after further explored, it turns out there are more than expected. Almost every day the officer found the skin of the same cable there.
The first day, the officers lift the skin of the cable as much as one truck and was stopped for two days, Thursday and Friday (26/2) cause the officer in charge puddles in other regions.
"Well, Saturday (27/2), again, two trucks, Sunday (28/2) two trucks," said Dicky.
The next day, Monday (29/2), the official transport even more leather cord, ie as many as four of the truck. Meanwhile on Tuesday (1/3) yesterday, officers peel cable reappoint three trucks.
The cable leather waste sites scattered along the gutter Medan Merdeka Selatan road.
"Anyway, we clean all of the closed channels one to four was about 40 meters. It contained all the wires," said Dicky.
Dicky said, the length of the cable skin vary from one meter to four meters. The form is also not elongated, but spiral. Dicky himself did not want to speculate on the origin of leather cord and whether there are actors who deliberately piled in the gutter cables skin.
Currently, cases of leather cord disposal are submitted to the police.
"He said the governor had to the police. From my earlier been coordinating with the Police, recalled the discovery," said Dicky.
Now, the cable peel waste dumped into landfills while in Bendungan Hilir, Central Jakarta.
Not to stop there, Jakarta Water Management Centre will also combing other areas to check the condition of the sewers. It is feared, leather same cable also accumulate in the gutter other regions.
And today, the clerk Infrastructure Public Facilities (PPSU) resumed the cleaning water channel on Medan Merdeka road. Entering the fifth day, they check and searched Medan Merdeka Selatan drains area. From the search results these days, they found rolls of cable at the same location as yesterday.
"For a while we had one of our trucks that lift cables, five cubic contents," said the Dept of Water Management for Central Jakarta, Yusuf Sumardani in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/3).
He explained that, when combined with previous findings, the total is already 12 trucks transporting cables skin deposited in the water tunnel. He explained that the location has not changed because it is believed there are many skin cable.
"The skin cable was found from the Merdeka Selatan road. We comb turns piles here. The plan is to focus on here first, we normalize used here to overcome the puddle," he explained.
"We submit to all regional police as evidence," he added.
At last check, other than leather cord found also found other objects.
"We find saws, remnants of copper and the LED lights (headlamp)," he concluded.
Meanwhile, Sadiyono, police officers on duty in police sub sectors Merdeka Barat denies any possibility of sabotage.
"There's probably no sabotage. We are here 24 hours a roving patrols around Monas-Gambir court. How could anyone have recently cables enter the skin that much," he said.
Piles of garbage cables skin was originally discovered by the task force of the Dept. of Water System in Central Jakarta on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. At that time, they were combing the sewers at Medan Merdeka Selatan road.
"Wednesday snugly in position Medan Merdeka Selatan road, I along with the task force coordinators open the drain plug to check in situ and was found rubbish like that (leather cord)," said Head of Central Jakarta Water Management Department, Dicky Suherlan, Tuesday (1/3) ,
Initially, officers thought the cable skin that accumulates in the gutters Medan Merdeka Selatan road was only slight. However, after further explored, it turns out there are more than expected. Almost every day the officer found the skin of the same cable there.
The first day, the officers lift the skin of the cable as much as one truck and was stopped for two days, Thursday and Friday (26/2) cause the officer in charge puddles in other regions.
"Well, Saturday (27/2), again, two trucks, Sunday (28/2) two trucks," said Dicky.
The next day, Monday (29/2), the official transport even more leather cord, ie as many as four of the truck. Meanwhile on Tuesday (1/3) yesterday, officers peel cable reappoint three trucks.
The cable leather waste sites scattered along the gutter Medan Merdeka Selatan road.
"Anyway, we clean all of the closed channels one to four was about 40 meters. It contained all the wires," said Dicky.
Dicky said, the length of the cable skin vary from one meter to four meters. The form is also not elongated, but spiral. Dicky himself did not want to speculate on the origin of leather cord and whether there are actors who deliberately piled in the gutter cables skin.
Currently, cases of leather cord disposal are submitted to the police.
"He said the governor had to the police. From my earlier been coordinating with the Police, recalled the discovery," said Dicky.
Now, the cable peel waste dumped into landfills while in Bendungan Hilir, Central Jakarta.
Not to stop there, Jakarta Water Management Centre will also combing other areas to check the condition of the sewers. It is feared, leather same cable also accumulate in the gutter other regions.
And today, the clerk Infrastructure Public Facilities (PPSU) resumed the cleaning water channel on Medan Merdeka road. Entering the fifth day, they check and searched Medan Merdeka Selatan drains area. From the search results these days, they found rolls of cable at the same location as yesterday.
"For a while we had one of our trucks that lift cables, five cubic contents," said the Dept of Water Management for Central Jakarta, Yusuf Sumardani in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/3).
He explained that, when combined with previous findings, the total is already 12 trucks transporting cables skin deposited in the water tunnel. He explained that the location has not changed because it is believed there are many skin cable.
"The skin cable was found from the Merdeka Selatan road. We comb turns piles here. The plan is to focus on here first, we normalize used here to overcome the puddle," he explained.
"We submit to all regional police as evidence," he added.
At last check, other than leather cord found also found other objects.
"We find saws, remnants of copper and the LED lights (headlamp)," he concluded.
Meanwhile, Sadiyono, police officers on duty in police sub sectors Merdeka Barat denies any possibility of sabotage.
"There's probably no sabotage. We are here 24 hours a roving patrols around Monas-Gambir court. How could anyone have recently cables enter the skin that much," he said.