Officially, LGBT is Psychiatric Problems

Minggu, 21 Februari 2016 - 14:15 WIB
Officially, LGBT is...
Officially, LGBT is Psychiatric Problems
JAKARTA - For those who are still debating disorientation same-sex enthusiasts, the medical world is already giving a clear explanation. LGBT which include homosexual and bisexual has been defined as people with psychiatric problems.

That above re-affirmed by the
Indonesia Central Board of Mental Specialist Doctors Association (PDSKJI). Homosexuals and bisexuals have a fairly high risk of developing mental disorders. They were asked to get medical treatment before it's too late.

"So potentially, a high risk. Because of this high risk, then we must immediately (cure them, ed), '' said Chairman of the Section of Religion Spirituality and Psikatri (RSP) PDSKJI, dr Fidiansjah SpKJ release received Sindonews.

''If likened to a fire, do not wait until a big fire. It was already a warning sign," continued Fidiansjah.

For Indonesia, this classification trace the text book. PPDGJ, according Fidiansjah, referring to the Mental Health Act.

On the other hand, related psychiatric conditions that have been mentioned in the international nomenclature.

"A condition that has been incorporated into the grouping called on the international diseases," he said.

However, not all
people with psychiatric problems will develop into developing mental disorders. There are many factors that contribute to a person cause psychiatric disorders, such as genetic factors, neuro-biological, social, cultural, and spirituality.
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