Jokowi Meet CEO IBM, Microsoft and Cisco

Senin, 15 Februari 2016 - 21:20 WIB
Jokowi Meet CEO IBM,...
Jokowi Meet CEO IBM, Microsoft and Cisco
CALIFORNIA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) scheduled to meet with the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of IBM, Microsoft and Cisco.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said the meeting will take place at Retreat 1 of Segment 1 of the US-ASEAN summit in Sunnylands, California.

"In Segment 1, that will last for some time, a meeting will also happen at the final session of Retreat 1 when the three CEOs will also be invited by President Obama to join the leaders and have discussions with them," she said on Sunday night.
"There will be interaction between the leaders and three CEOs from as many companies," she said.

Retno said on Monday that President Joko Widodo would start his working visit within the framework of the US-ASEAN Summit in Sunnylands, California.

The Summit is scheduled to start at 15.30pm at Retreat 1 on the topic of "Promoting an Innovative Entrepreneurial ASEAN Economic Community.

"In the discussion at Retreat 1, issues related to micro, small and medium businesses would be taken up besides information technology, digital economy and others," she said.

At the meeting, President Joko Widodo will be accompanied by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Trade Minister Thomas Lembong, presidential chief of staff Teten Masduki and Indonesia's permanent representative for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
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