This Drone Which Killed Jihadi John

Rabu, 20 Januari 2016 - 17:14 WIB
This Drone Which Killed...
This Drone Which Killed Jihadi John
WASHINGTON - Death of Mohammed Emwazi alias 'Jihadi John' has been recognized by ISIS. According to a US official told Reuters, three drone belonging to the US and the UK which ended the life of a butcher who often behead the hostage ISIS. Three drones that each of the two drone MQ-9 Reaper drone belonging to the US and an MQ-9 English.

Want to know what and how drone MQ-9 Reaper which US owned?

As reported by, this drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle whose purpose is solely to offensive and operated by the US Air Force. This drone can hang around a long time in the air, has a wide range of sensors, multi mode communications, and weapons presesinya level high, so not able to run the odd combination attack missions, coordination and observation of high value targets, moving and sensitive time.

Reaper can also carry out the tasks and missions such as intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, close air support, SAR war, attack high precession, laser guided, supervisors movement, opening roads, development targets and guide the air terminal.

Reaper is a part of the aircraft systems are controlled remotely. Full operational system consists of unmanned aircraft equipped with sensors and weapons, ground control station, Predator Primary Satellite Link, and others, including the crew on land assigned to the mission 24 hours.

MQ-9 brings Multi Spectral Targeting System that has a visual sensor to target the target. It is integrated with an infrared sensor, a television camera color/monochrome television camera image amplifier, a laser designator and laser. Full motion video of each donor's image sensor can be seen separately as a separate video channel or incorporated.

The unit is also equipped with a laser range marker that appropriately marks the target before being hunted or destroyed by systems such as laser guided weaponry that guided bombs Paveway II.

MQ-9 can carry laser guided missiles, air to surface missile Hellfire very accurate but creating damage centered on the target. This drone also can be stripped down to be incorporated into a single container for deployment worldwide. But the entire system is usually transported by C-130 Hercules or other larger aircraft.

As is known, ISIS recognizes death sadistic executioner named Mohammed Emwazi Western media dubbed the "Jihadi John" and often appears on some piece of a number of video execution of Western hostages held captive ISIS.

Actually, November 2015, the US military has announced the deaths Jihadi John after being shot missiles 'Hellfire' by drone. At that time Jihadi John was traveling in the city Raqaa, Syria aboard a car.
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