Thus Terrorist Funds Flow Management

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016 - 18:59 WIB
Thus Terrorist Funds...
Thus Terrorist Funds Flow Management
JAKARTA - One of the things that are important to uncover acts of terrorism are looking alirana used by terrorist. Deputy Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC) Agus Santoso said that the agency never indicated any suspicious transactions to the Philippines that allegedly associated with terrorist activities.

"The presumption was for the purchase of weapons. The data that has been conveyed to the Detachment. They should follow the suspect," he said in Jakarta, today.

From the analysis of INTRAC team, the money to buy weapons that allegedly came from the Middle East. Money directed to the wings of radical organizations in Indonesia, is then used to buy weapons in the Philippines.

Agus said, the phenomenon of the financing of terrorism in Indonesia is changing. If the first lot of indications that the funds obtained from criminal activity (robbery of banks and so on, red) as well as fundraising through charity, now is not so anymore.

"Three years later, through the practice of corporate management," he said.

Use of the company's alleged money laundering mode. In order not flashy, the funds obtained from the Middle East sent to the company's account. Remittances could reach billions of rupiah. The company is made as if the activity by conducting business transactions.

Agus refused to elaborate on the company indicated to the practice. He reasoned fear of disturbing the work of Detachment 88. Therefore, all of the data that has been submitted to Detachment 88. "This mode occurs in several regions in Indonesia. But, I can not call the region," he said.
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