Sri Gethuk Waterfall, Thunderous Sound in the Silence

Rabu, 06 Januari 2016 - 18:19 WIB
Sri Gethuk Waterfall,...
Sri Gethuk Waterfall, Thunderous Sound in the Silence
YOGYAKARTA - Who does not know the Yogyakarta? Many attractions tourism site are worth to visiting. But there are still many who do not know the four tourism destination in this student city. What are the attractions? In this new year there's nothing wrong if we see this new destination. So, let we refer below in fourth section, check it out!!

Sri Gethuk Waterfall

Sri Gethuk waterfall is one of the waterfalls are popular in Yogyakarta. In fact, not only travelers from Yogyakarta region only visitors, but also from the area outside the city. Its location in the hamlet Menggoran, Bleberan Village, District Playen, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta.

Slempret is another name for Sri Gethuk waterfall, because the waterfall is located at the site of Slempret. The waterfall is flanked by cliffs with elevations of up to 50 meters. This waterfall it's thunderous sound seems breaking the silence in Gunungkidul that is well known as a dry region.

Slempret region is an area that bertopografi overgrown hills and coconut trees. Rice plants can thrive in this place throughout the year because the land in this area has never experienced a drought. Soil fertility in this place because it is supported by three springs that are quite large with an average discharge of 30-60 liters /sec, this springs named Dong Poh, Ngandong and Ngumbul.

Can be reached by walking past the rice field as far as 450 meters and then continued down the stairs with numbered about 96 stairs. To reach the waterfall you can also walk down the cliff Slempret that led to the location of the waterfall Sri Gethuk.

Naming Slempret actually comes from the word trumpet is the name of a wind instrument and reputedly the place is a public place that is haunted because it is where the spirits or jinn who lived there were. According serita pimpnan of a genie named jin Anggo Menduro.

It is said that the caretaker's genie is teryata liked the variety of art, all of it proved at certain times often heard noises often heard by residents in Menggoran location and surroundings. The sound in the form of a voice like the sound of the marching band, and a trumpet sound often heard munnculnya dominate the sound. The voice will be lost if you tried approachable so that people have believed that the voice is the genie who inhabit the place. Therefore, the waterfall is called Slempret because it is in a location whose name Slempret.

Visitors can reach the site waterfall tourism Sri Gethuk this by selecting two way, the main line road through Wonosari - Pathuk - Playen - Bleberan.

Secondly, an alternative route through western Imogiri road - Paliyan - Playen - Bleberan. After reached the village Bleberan, you can directly immediately headed toward the cave design Kencono down a path of limestone. Roads that is quite slippery and steep so not recommended for those of you who took the car with the hood low.

To be Continue...
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