Trump Job Approval Jumps to 44% as US Midterm Elections Approach

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018 - 01:35 WIB
Trump Job Approval Jumps...
Trump Job Approval Jumps to 44% as US Midterm Elections Approach
WASHINGTON - Some 44 percent of US voters approve of President Donald Trump’s performance in office, likely bolstering Republican hopes of maintaining control of the US Senate and mitigating anticipated losses in the House of Representatives in the upcoming November 6 midterm elections, according to a poll by the Gallup organization on Tuesday.

"While still low in an absolute sense, Trump's current 44 percent job approval rating is just one point below his personal best recorded his first week in office and this past June after his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a press release summarizing the poll stated.

As a result, "Republicans' prospects have to be considered a bit brighter than they were a month ago, given the increase in Trump's popularity," the release explained.

Trump's approval rate was 38 percent in mid-September, according to Gallup.

Trump has been actively campaigning on behalf of Republican candidates as the November 6 election approaches, in hopes of maintaining Republican majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives, and bucking a historical trend in which a president’s party loses seats in midterm polls, the release said.

The Gallup poll appeared to confirm conventional wisdom that a Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives remains a distinct possibility with the Senate less likely to fall into Democratic hands, according to the release.
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