For World Tourism Park Declaration, WTP Foundation Invite President Jokowi

Kamis, 02 November 2017 - 07:46 WIB
For World Tourism Park...
For World Tourism Park Declaration, WTP Foundation Invite President Jokowi
JAKARTA - As the initiator of the consolidation forum for all components to unite the vision of Indonesia as a world tourism park, WTP Foundation will invite leaders from the central, provincial, district/municipal governments including representatives from Indonesian tourism stakeholders to attend as WTP Forum which is planned to be held in November.

The forum will have four sessions, namely: World Tourism Park Declaration, Drawing The New 9 Wonderful, Panel Discussion and hospitality.

"We will invite President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to open the forum as well as lead the agenda of declaration of world tourism park, because as the head of government as well as the symbol of the country, he certainly represents the Indonesian people as a whole and is worthy to lead the declaration," said Daniel Kumendong, CEO and Founder of WTP Foundation at Gathering Media event in cooperation of WTP Forum, XL and Nagaswara in Puncak, Bogor, West Java, recently.

Added Daniel, the implementation of the WTP Forum is also one form of support to the Indonesian government to be able to build a proper positioning, differentiation and branding, so that the world community know and interested and make Indonesia as the main tourist destination.

"Branding is very important, we are still weak in this case, we are sure that through WTP Forum, the president will be moved to get involved because this forum is in line with his expectation to make Indonesia as the largest and most complete tourism country in the world," said Daniel .
For World Tourism Park Declaration, WTP Foundation Invite President Jokowi

Separately, Maritime Tourism Ambassador of WTP Forum, Nadine Chandrawinata put great appreciation and hope if the President is willing to present open WTP Forum as well as lead the agenda of declaration of Indonesia as a world tourist park area.

"I am very proud and appreciative to him if he can take the time to lead the declaration agenda. Especially President Jokowi is paying great attention to the world of tourism in Indonesia in order to compete with other countries in the world," she said.

To be known, in addition to the declaration, the WTP Forum will also hold Drawing The New 9 Wonderful, the Agenda of Sequencing 45 Potential of Superior Nature Tour in 34 Provinces to determine nine icons from World Tourism Park through Event Voting New 9 Wonderful which is planned to be officially launched at the end 2018.
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