Online Economy Can Not be Limited

Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017 - 20:23 WIB
Online Economy Can Not...
Online Economy Can Not be Limited
JAKARTA - Government considers the digital development is something that can not be stopped. So that businesses that helped develop with it also can not be rejected or limited.

"In our own regulation we see the better regulation is the less regulation. We have to give youth space to innovate, "Rudiantara said on the sidelines of the 2nd Jakarta International Competition Forum (2ndJICF) in Jakarta, recently.

Rudiantara also stated that the government focuses on supporting Startup innovation by encouraging seven aspects, namely human capital, funding Startup, Taxation, cyber security, ICT infrastructure, consumer protection and logistics.

The Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) itself is currently preparing consumer protection support devices, one of which is by formulating the Draft Law (Bill) Protection of Personal Data. With these rules, it is expected to provide clear signs to the Startup actors regarding data that must be kept confidential.

"Indonesia is not in an attitude to stop or block the digital economy," said Rudiantara.

So how to explain it to conventional business actors at the lowest level, even unconscious about this disruption has happened-for example some convensional motorcycle taxis?

"Must talk, the regulators, the local government should talk. There must be a change of mindset from all systems, from all stakeholders." Rudiantara said.

He also warned that business disruptions could also open up new jobs, which would drive the country's digital economy.
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