West Java Election Just Two Candidates?

Jum'at, 27 Oktober 2017 - 19:56 WIB
West Java Election Just...
West Java Election Just Two Candidates?
BANDUNG - Political dynamics ahead 2018 Gubernatorial Election that began pursed. Prediction if West Java Election will be followed only two pairs of candidates just start to surface.

As is known, so far, three candidates West Java governor mentioned most likely to advance to 2018 West Java Election, namely Ridwan Kamil, Deddy Mizwar and Dedi Mulyadi. From three candidates, the new Ridwan Kamil who certainly already has a ticket following the receipt of support from NasDem, PKB, and PPP.

While Deddy Mizwar, just got support from PAN and PKS and Gerindra. Although, Deddy Mizwar's nomination by PKS and Gerindra colored the dynamics of the withdrawal of support from Gerindra West Java.

While Dedi Mulyadi who previously staying nomination Golkar will be carried later instead slumped after the news switched Golkar party support to Ridwan Kamil. That way, only three political parties that have not shown his attitude, namely Democrats, PDIP and Hanura party.

Responding to the political constellation, candidate West Java governor Deddy Mizwar states, ready to deal with Ridwan Kamil if West Java Election only followed two candidate pairs.

Deddy admitted, grateful for some political parties in West Java have started to show his attitude, including PAN who has stated unanimously support it in the event of 2018 West Java Election.

"Alhamdulillah, PAN has decided to support me, unconditionally," Deddy said during a visit to PKS West Java office, Bandung on Friday (27/10).

Deddy hopes, in the near future, there will be one more political party that supports it. Thus, the polarization of political parties ahead of 2018 West Java Election is expected to happen soon.

"Currently there are four political parties that determine the attitude (NasDem, PKB, PPP, and PAN) .It is expected this month there is another one that determines attitude," he said.

Deddy was hoping, Gerindra remain on the option to support it followed by Democrats. If added PKS and PAN, said Deddy, the amount of support to him reached 39 seats.

"Kang Emil (Ridwan Kamil) is already 38 (seats) now, plus Golkar yesterday," he said.

With this open-ended attitude of political parties, Deddy realized, the possibility of him facing Ridwan Kamil is getting bigger. Deddy admitted, this condition is vulnerable friction, but it must still be faced.

"What should we do again, which we will try to follow just this democracy process, most importantly all conducive and we can enjoy the title of democracy," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of PKS West Java who is also West Java governor candidate, Ahmad Syaikhu assured, there is no indication Gerindra will leave PKS in 2018 Governor Election after withdrawal of support for himself and Deddy Mizwar by Gerindra West Java. In fact, Syaikhu ensured, PKS and Gerindra relations at the party elite level is still very solid.

"There is no indication that Gerindra left PKS at DPP level, it is still very solid.If indeed there is revocation from the top leadership, we will certainly sikapi, but now there is not," said Syaikhu in the same place.

According to Syaikhu, the withdrawal of support is only part of the political dynamics. In fact, Shaikh also respect the attitude shown Gerindra West Java .

He stated, still hold firm commitment of Chairman of Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto and President of PKS, Sohibul Iman which claimed to carry Deddy Mizwar-Ahmad Syaikhu in 2018 West Java Election.

"I'm still hold the statement of the Chairman of Gerindra (Prabowo Subianto), both of us (Deddy Mizwar-Ahmad Syaikhu) are called, even shaking hands," he said.

Syaikhu also welcomed the decision of PAN who has unanimously provided his support to Deddy Mizwar. Support according to him will be an additional strength of the coalition party coalition Deddy Mizwar in 2018 West Java Election.

"PAN adds strength because of Pak Demiz (Deddy Mizwar) support for the unconditional governor candidate," he said.
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