Deputy Chief of Indonesia Police Entered at Executive Board of D-8 Organization Leader

Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017 - 14:14 WIB
Deputy Chief of Indonesia...
Deputy Chief of Indonesia Police Entered at Executive Board of D-8 Organization Leader
ISTANBUL - The IX of Eight Developing Group (D-8) Summit in Istanbul, Turkey is held. Indonesia is headed by its delegation, Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK).

In this event, the heads of state will discuss the improvement of financial transactions and efforts to increase connectivity between D-8 member countries.

Indonesia itself in this meeting will focus on encouraging maritime and private sector cooperation related to public partnership. In addition, Indonesia will also encourage South-South Cooperation.

Participated in the Indonesian delegation, Deputy Chief of National Police, Commisioner General Police Syafruddin as members of the official delegation.

The participation of the Deputy National Police Chief, as described by Chief of Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rikwanto will participate in discussions at the D-8 Commission whose agenda records some progress in regular organizational activities, including completing the 2017 and 2018 Event Calendars.

"The discussion on the commission is entitled 'Expanding Opportunity Through Cooperation' and held from Tuesday (17/10) to Saturday (21/10)," said Rikwanto in Jakarta on Saturday (21/10).

Again, each delegate and representative from across the country took part in two sessions of the day.

"The Secretary General of D-8 expressed his confidence that the 38th session of the commission will bring positive results to consolidate the partnership to a new level," said Rikwanto.

To note, D-8 Group led by Pakistan. Members of the commission and heads of delegations are drawn from all D-8 member states of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.

The D-8 Group Summit itself is the highest meeting, head of state or government to review and formulate an organization's strategy. Since its establishment in 1997 through the 'Istanbul Declaration' it has the goal that the Islamic state can unite, not just about politics but also economics and science .
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