World Confucian Congress Concentrate on Peaceful Efforts

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017 - 00:05 WIB
World Confucian Congress...
World Confucian Congress Concentrate on Peaceful Efforts
JAKARTA - Not many people know the existence of Confucianism in Indonesia. Included with the main teachings such as the teachings of peace are always taught against followers of this religion.

So when the World Konghucu Congress held again, where Indonesia to host this grand event, peace teachings echoed again. Especially in the middle of the political and social temperatures heating that lately occurred in almost all parts of the world.

"Now, this extreme thought is developing in world. Just look at this country, many people who reproach and criticize each other. And this is discussed thoroughly by us. What we want to show is bringing peace throughout the world," said Chairman of High Council of Indonesia Confucian Religion (Matakin), Uung Sendana on Friday (20/10).

Previously, his side has held inter-religious dialogue between Islam and Confucianism with the theme of prosperity and peace.

"Today we are concentrating to contribute thoughts to the world towards peace," Uung added.

While representatives from Kwan Sing Bio temple, Tuban, Alim Sugiantoro also agree that all elements in this country mutual respect and appreciate the difference of religion to the justice, prosperity of the country and the people.

"With plurality we can unite," he explained.

In this World Konghucu Congress recorded 19 countries sent his Confucian religious experts to attend on 17-18 October 2017 in Jakarta. Some of the countries that contribute include United States, Costarika, Australia, Britain, Italy, Germany, Egypt, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.
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