Political Party Information System Needs to Reviewed Again

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017 - 05:56 WIB
Political Party Information...
Political Party Information System Needs to Reviewed Again
JAKARTA - After registering to the General Elections Commission (KPU) on October 14 yesterday, the board of Republik Party returned to the KPU office on Monday (16/10) night to complete the requirements according to the KPU regulations that struck the Political Party Information System (Sipol).

"From the KPU explained that there is an extension 1X24 hours to complete the requirement, we are grateful that there is still one day to rectify," said Suharno Prawiro, Chairman of Republik Party in Jakarta on Tuesday (17/10).

Admittedly, the problem at Sipol became one of the obstacles for his party to meet all the requirements.

"If the side of the stewardship is complete, the constraints of Sipol that the server had died so it is quite disturbing, especially the internet in the area of connection is not good, outside Java island connection often lost, so this is also a constraint as well," he said.

He requested this Sipol application needs to be reviewed again.

"This vulnerability is important to be corrected in five years, and the requirement of ID Card (KTP) is actually enough, but because some administrators still do not use e-KTP there is no columns so that the registered ones become decreased as well as one of the weaknesses of Sipol. e-KTP also have political rights, if not included then take the rights that have not e-ID card when they are also the people who must be accommodated his political rights," he concluded.
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