Indonesia's Corruption Index Still High

Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017 - 18:15 WIB
Indonesias Corruption...
Indonesia's Corruption Index Still High
SEMARANG - Indonesia's corruption index is still considered high. After reformation, corruption eradication program becomes the question of Commission III of House Represntative (DPR). Although there are already three institutions such as Polri, Attorney and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), corruption has not decreased.

It was raised when the delegation of Commission III of the House of Representatives held a meeting in Central Java Police Headquarters to discuss corruption eradication program, Friday, October 13, 2017.

M Nasir Djamil who leads the delegation of this specific work visit said Commission III is very interested to know what programs have been done law enforcement agencies in Central Java in combating corruption.

Attending the meeting were Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Condro Kirono, Irwasda, Diskrimsus, Kajati, Chief Justice and three academics from Undip, Untag, and Unnes.

According to Nasir, to eradicate corruption by the authorities must be done by the ruler as well.

"Only a ruler can supervise power," he asserted.

Corruption, continued Nasir, is an extraordinary crime. For that, it needs extraordinary handling as well.
Indonesia's Corruption Index Still High

Unfortunately, despite the presence of three law enforcement agencies in Indonesia, the trend of corruption has not decreased significantly.

Indonesia's corruption index is still inferior to Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. It takes a strong strategy and strong coordination between the three institutions to combat corruption.

Central Java Police chief revealed that in 2017 until the third quarter there were 40 corruption cases that have been handled from the target of 75 cases or 53 percent completed.

The state losses due to corruption in Central Java in 2017 reached Rp53,257,866,276. Of that amount, the state losses successfully returned amounted to Rp5,951,394,117.

Until the third quarter of 2017, the police chief said there were 89 cases under investigation, 63 cases of investigation, and audited 83 cases.

Meanwhile, High Attorney in his explanation before the delegation of Commission III explained that the criminal act of corruption is still dominated by the procurement of goods and services procurement.

Currently, the High Court of Central Java is overseeing a budget of more than Rp49 billion, which is a criminal act of corruption.
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