Cattle Stock Still Less, 'Balai Ternak' Expected Become Solution

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017 - 05:51 WIB
Cattle Stock Still Less,...
Cattle Stock Still Less, 'Balai Ternak' Expected Become Solution
BEKASI - As one of the solutions to the lack of supply of cattle in Indonesia, as well as empowering the mustahik and the needy, Financial Services Authority (OJK) in cooperation with National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) organized a farmer empowerment program in Bekasi district.

"It's so pity, Indonesia with a vast, fertile territory, is still less of livestock supply. We still import cattle to meet domestic needs. One of which is to develop livestock and empower poor farmers. Based on survey results and field studies, Baznas chose Rawakeladi, Sukaindah village, Sukakarya sub-district, Bekasi district, as one of the locations and objects of 'Balai Ternak 2017' program," said Director of National Bureau of Education and Renewal and Renewal of Baznas, M Nasir Tajang in Bekasi, West Java, Friday (13/10) .

The fund of this activity itself comes from zakat of OJK employees in 2017 worth Rp410.187.529. Total disbursement of zakat funds issued to Balai Ternak reaches Rp250 million, each Rp4,950,000 for mustahik breeders. With the details of the procurement of sheep, 129 female goats and 43 goats each of which mustahik get 3 female goats and one goat, as well as assistance procurement and renovation of cages and 4 mustahik get duck livestock assistance.

"In addition to direct assistance, mustahik also receive mentoring and training on good livestock enclosures, feed and medicinal education, education of sheep breeding and fattening and waste treatment. The training is conducted regularly as needed by involving local stakeholders," said Nasir.

For the initial stage, Baznas recruited 43 families heads (KK) mustahik who have been netted through the selection process and verification so that it can be guaranteed to be a livestock group motor. The villagers of Sukaindah themselves are predominantly with farmers and casual laborers.

"Most of them live on government-owned land on the banks of Cikarang river. At any time the land can be taken back by the government, either to build green open facilities or the extension of roads or rivers so they need capital to meet the needs of shelter. Hopefully the livestock sector can be a solution because it is not foreign to local residents," he said.
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