This Sharia Bank Helps Campus Through Zakat on Treasures

This Sharia Bank Helps Campus Through Zakat on Treasures
SOUTH TANGERANG - New breakthrough of zakat distribution in education done by one of the sharia bank in Indonesia. PT Bank Victoria Syariah entrusts the distribution of zakat on the assets of its employees and customers amounting to Rp300 million to National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) to be channeled to the Institute of Al Quran Sciences (IIQ).
"From this aid Rp300 million, while collected is Rp100 million. Who want to fund because the development plan is four levels with a cost of Rp6 billion," said Rector of IIQ, Prof. Huzaemah T Yanggo at IIQ Campus, Ciputat, South Tangerang on Wednesday (11/10).
Deputy Baznas, Arifin Purwakananta see, through this activity the trust of corporations to pay zakat through Baznas going better. Moreover, Baznas offers the distribution of zakat with the approach of achieving the Global Development Goals (SDGs) released by the UN Development Organization (UNDP). Baznas distribution programs also are measured through the SROI or Social Return On Investment method, making it measurable and having more effective impact.
"This is why Baznas has been chosen as a partner of zakat distribution by many corporate partners in the last two years," explained Arifin.
To that end, he invites other companies together to build a less fortunate society in Indonesia. As did Bank Victoria Syariah who pay zakat company to support the construction of IIQ campus which is a special campus who qualified academicians and generation in science of Al Quran.
Meanwhile, Operations Director of Bank Victoria Syariah, Deddy Effendi Ridwan said that his party entrusted the distribution of zakat through Baznas because Baznas is a professional government institution and accountable in the management and distribution of zakat.
"We assess the distribution of zakat through Baznas is already on target, so we strongly support the programs implemented Baznas," he said.
"From this aid Rp300 million, while collected is Rp100 million. Who want to fund because the development plan is four levels with a cost of Rp6 billion," said Rector of IIQ, Prof. Huzaemah T Yanggo at IIQ Campus, Ciputat, South Tangerang on Wednesday (11/10).
Deputy Baznas, Arifin Purwakananta see, through this activity the trust of corporations to pay zakat through Baznas going better. Moreover, Baznas offers the distribution of zakat with the approach of achieving the Global Development Goals (SDGs) released by the UN Development Organization (UNDP). Baznas distribution programs also are measured through the SROI or Social Return On Investment method, making it measurable and having more effective impact.
"This is why Baznas has been chosen as a partner of zakat distribution by many corporate partners in the last two years," explained Arifin.
To that end, he invites other companies together to build a less fortunate society in Indonesia. As did Bank Victoria Syariah who pay zakat company to support the construction of IIQ campus which is a special campus who qualified academicians and generation in science of Al Quran.
Meanwhile, Operations Director of Bank Victoria Syariah, Deddy Effendi Ridwan said that his party entrusted the distribution of zakat through Baznas because Baznas is a professional government institution and accountable in the management and distribution of zakat.
"We assess the distribution of zakat through Baznas is already on target, so we strongly support the programs implemented Baznas," he said.