Here's How to Glorify Boarding School Students

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017 - 05:33 WIB
Heres How to Glorify...
Here's How to Glorify Boarding School Students
BANTEN - When speaking of student and his role, of course we all know that the figure of Great Commander General Sudirman who was born from the womb of boarding school. Not to mention the figure of the First Prime Minister of Indonesia, Muhammad Natsir, is the same as a great Indonesian role model of the boarding school environment. And of course there are many more Indonesian heroes who grew up in boarding school.

Given the enormous role of boarding school in Indonesia, the National Zakat Institution (LAZNAS) Initiative of Zakat Indonesia (IZI) initiated to improve all unworthy pesantren in each IZI representative office in Indonesia.

Director of Empowerment IZI, Nana Sudiana revealed that there are still many boarding schools in Indonesia that have not been touched by various parties, either to be renovated or empowered.

"There are still many inappropriate boarding schools in Indonesia that have not received the attention and assistance from the community, or from other parties such as government or other corporations," said Nana in National Boarding Schools Concerned Program at Al Hidayah Cikande boarding schools, Banten on Monday (9/10).

Added by Manager of Mulia Inisiatif IZI, Rohandi, 36 boarding schools located in each IZI representative office in Indonesia will receive renovation assistance within a month, starting from 27 September to 13 November 2017.

"As for the number of boarding schools we will help as many as 36 consisting of four boarding schools for those in the central region, and 32 boarding schools for each IZI regional representative offices throughout Indonesia," Rohandi said.

According to him, the aid is distributed in the form of repair of building facilities (including classrooms and their infrastructure facilities), package of food staples for teachers and all students, and ending with the activities of Eating Together.

"This time, the aid is intended for Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding School in Cikande, Banten by renovating unfit buildings, sending packages of basic needs for the students, giving educational scholarships to teachers and building MCK facilities around the boarding school," Rohandi concluded.
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