Civil Servants Salaries Will Directly Cut by This

Jum'at, 06 Oktober 2017 - 18:30 WIB
Civil Servants Salaries...
Civil Servants Salaries Will Directly Cut by This
JAKARTA - The revision process of Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2014 on Optimization of Zakat Collection into Presidential Regulation concerning the deduction of civil servant salary (ASN) and employees of state-owned enterprises (BUMN/BUMD) and corporations (private) for zakat become one recommendation from the National Zakat Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) 2017.

Vice Chairman of Baznas, Zainulbahar Noor said, Presidential Instruction is not a regulation and not too tied up. So it needs a Presidential Regulation or Act.

"Just imagine, if five million civil servants all over Indonesia cut (salary for zakat) 2.5 percent, then the amount (accumulation of zakat) Rp100 trillion will be achieved," said Zainulbahar at closing of Rakornas Baznas in Jakarta on Thursday (5/10).

He explained, if the salary of civil servants, regional state enterprises, state enterprises and private companies and other devices are automatically deducted to pay zakat. Thus, indirectly has helped the muslim community to facilitate the run of the third pillar of Islam, that is zakat.

According to him, this cut is not coercion. For anyone who does not want his salary cut to pay zakat can make a letter of objection.

Based on the Rakornas resolution, Baznas will also encourage the Minister of Interior to instruct regional heads to allocate funds from regional budget for provincial and regency/municipal for Baznas in accordance with legislation. Zainulbahar explains, Act No. 23 of 2011 has been firmly said the funding operational Baznas central and regional originated from the state budget and regional budget.

Expert Staff of Finance Minister in the field of law and law enforcement, Awan Nurmawan Nuh while attending Rakornas Baznas said, Rakornas Baznas 2017 can be a proposal or input how the proper management of zakat. Later, the government will receive input from Baznas.

"We will be welcome to receive input from Baznas, the initiative from Baznas, as we examine the possibilities of strengthening Baznas," said Awan.

Baznas hope, Rakornas 2017 can spur and trigger the rise of zakat in Indonesia. Total of 30 resolutions born through Rakornas Baznas will be a reference for developing a national charity. So that the betterment and management of zakat is better and the beneficiaries are wider.

"Rakornas participants committed to seriously develop the national charity," said Member Baznas who is also Chairman of Rakornas Baznas 2017, Prof. Mundzir Suparta.
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