New KPK Detention Center Officially Launching

Jum'at, 06 Oktober 2017 - 15:28 WIB
New KPK Detention Center...
New KPK Detention Center Officially Launching
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has new Detention Center (Rutan). Located in KPK Building Kavling CI, this new Detention Center is a complex with Merah Putih building.

After being launched today, new KPK Detention Center is ready to accept a new resident of 11 prisoners of corruption cases.

"Today we have inaugurated the Rutan KPK Detention Center at the Merah Putih building," said KPK spokesman, Febri Diansyah, Friday (6/10).

Capacity of new KPK Detention Center for 37 people. The maximum amount is divided into 29 male and 8 female prisoners.

Located about 200 meters from the main building, new KPK Detention Center consists of two floors, ground floor and mezzanine.

This facility serves only family visits for two days a week, ie every Monday and Thursday. Each visitor only has a duration of two hours, which is at 10:00 to 12:00 pm. As for the time of the detention lawyer's visit only in Monday-Friday.

Before this Detention Center was built, KPK has two branches of the prison at Pomdam Jaya Guntur and KPK building Lot CI.

KPK put 30 corrupt prisoners in Pomdam Jaya Guntur and 11 people in Detention Center Lot C1. KPK also has 39 detainees who are entrusted to a number of prisons.

In the inauguration of this Detention Center, Chairman of KPK, Agus Raharjo hoped that none of those present in the inauguration of the residents of this KPK Detention Center.

"This is a reminder to all officials and parties related to the corruption case, because after all our freedom will be very limited," said Agus.
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