Here's Running with Enjoying The Sunset at Tanjung Lesung

Kamis, 28 September 2017 - 19:08 WIB
Heres Running with Enjoying...
Here's Running with Enjoying The Sunset at Tanjung Lesung
BANTEN - After Mountain Bike Cross-Country Marathon race that took place in the morning before, Sunset Trail Run event closed the series of sports activities on the 2nd day of Pesona Tanjung Lesung Festival (FPTL) Festival 2017 in last week.

Head of Banten Provincial Tourism Office, Eneng Nurcahyati, accompanied by Managing Director of KEK Tanjung Lesung, PT Banten West Java, Rully Lasahido officially jointly raised the start flag, started the cross-country race.

"Do not forget to give positive memories and appreciation of this activity. Socialize and convey if anything can be fixed in the future. Sunset Trail Run is not only running, participants can also enjoy the sunset at Tanjung Lesung which nicknamed Sunset of Java," said Eneng after removing the participants.

The participants seemed enthusiastic to follow the race and enjoy the challenging terrain that has been prepared by the committee. The Sunset Trail Run at the Tanjung Lesung Beach Club area is no less than 17 kilometers away and through diverse terrain, such as sandy beaches and pebbly coral, rise and descend. These challenging terrain conditions require runners to work extra hard because relying on physical strength is not enough; they must also be careful not to get injured.

The first winner of the Sunset Trail Run 2017 class is Suyono who is 50 years old. This achievement is quite amazing because he is not exactly young, however, can reach the finish line before the other participants, and clocked an hour 13 minutes 26 seconds.

"The field is quite challenging, plus the weather is quite hot, but I am happy with this race. For me Tanjung Lesung extraordinary," said Suyono who came from Bandung and also a former national athlete.

As for the second champion in the men's master class is Syam Budi who arrived at finish with a difference of about one and a half minutes from Suyono. And for the third position achieved Timo Franciscus with a record time of one hour 35 minutes and 28 seconds.

Meanwhile, national senior athlete Helda Napitupulu became first female runner to reach the finish line. Helda who attended women's class reached the finish with a record time of one hour 34 minutes and 33 seconds. In the second position, Ina Budiyarni, an athlete who also has experience following the Asia Trail Master. Ina reached the finish with a record time of one hour 48 minutes and 59 seconds.

Completing the podium occupants is Netty Gultom, who in February won 25K Coast to Coast Night Trail Run 25K Woman Master 40+ class, with one hour 58 minutes and 41 seconds.

In the Men's Open Class, Saepul Rahman earned the first place with a time of one hour five minutes and 22 seconds. Saepul was followed by Jumardi who finished 33 seconds after Saepul, and in third was Junaedi Arifuddin with a time of one hour eight minutes and seven seconds.

In Woman Open Class, Sri Wulandari became the first with an hour, 50 minutes and 21 seconds. She was followed in second and third by Suci Sekarwati with two hours, 10 minutes and eight seconds, and Choirunnisa Arifin with two hours, 25 minutes and 11 seconds.
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