Jonru Still Hoping Not to be Detained

Jonru Still Hoping Not to be Detained
JAKARTA - The author who is also a social media activist, Jon Riah Ukur aka Jonru Ginting who has been designated as suspect in hate speech case, today return scheduled to undergo examination at Jakarta Police office.
Jonru's lawyer, Mery Yanto hopes that his client will not be arrested after undergoing this examination. The lawyer has prepared suspension of detention if Jonru Ginting is arrested.
Merry said on Sunday (1/10) his client was doing examination by Jakarta Police investigators. The examination of Jonru finished at around 22:51 pm. Mery ensures that in every examination her client is always cooperative and always answers the question from investigator.
"The extra examination are still like yesterday's question, about his Facebook. We hope Jonru will not be arrested," Merry said when confirmed by reporters on Monday (2/10).
He also hopes that the police investigation of his client will be completed soon. That way, his side can learn more about the fact of examination of his client and can immediately determine the next step, including doing pre-trial steps.
"There's going to be (pre-trial), but we're still waiting for the examination first, how far the information is taken," he said.
Jonru's lawyer, Mery Yanto hopes that his client will not be arrested after undergoing this examination. The lawyer has prepared suspension of detention if Jonru Ginting is arrested.
Merry said on Sunday (1/10) his client was doing examination by Jakarta Police investigators. The examination of Jonru finished at around 22:51 pm. Mery ensures that in every examination her client is always cooperative and always answers the question from investigator.
"The extra examination are still like yesterday's question, about his Facebook. We hope Jonru will not be arrested," Merry said when confirmed by reporters on Monday (2/10).
He also hopes that the police investigation of his client will be completed soon. That way, his side can learn more about the fact of examination of his client and can immediately determine the next step, including doing pre-trial steps.
"There's going to be (pre-trial), but we're still waiting for the examination first, how far the information is taken," he said.