In US and South Korea Embassy, Papua People Ask Stop NGOs Intervention

Jum'at, 29 September 2017 - 18:07 WIB
In US and South Korea...
In US and South Korea Embassy, Papua People Ask Stop NGOs Intervention
JAKARTA - A number of Papuan representatives visited the South Korean and US Embassy office in Jakarta. They expressed complaints existence of a number of foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that seek to intervene to restrict business in their own customary land.

The representatives of Papuan peoples say that the Korean Federation for Environment Movement (KFEM) and Mighty Earth from the United States (US) are considered disturbed the rights of local people.

"Development in Papua, one of them is quite a lot of help by South Korea, so we ask the South Korean embassy in Indonesia to help us, remind them," said Sebastian Ndiken, Chairman of Lembaga Masyarakat Adat (LMA) at the South Korean Embassy on Wednesday (27/9).

Representing the people of Merauke and Boven Digoel, Sebastian complains that they are currently hard to life because of interference two NGOs that try to limited the community to cultivate their own land.

Meanwhile, Petrus Kinggo, one of the owners of ulayat rights from Bovel Digoel District added, in essence, the Papuan people do not want to deal with NGOs, both foreign and local NGOs.

"Moreover, until now, we have partnered long enough with one of the Korean companies like Korindo, and we have made many agreements. So the NGOs have no right to arrange us," he said.

In a meeting with representatives of the Korean Embassy, representatives of the Papuan community expressed their attitude regarding the development of oil palm plantations in their area. The points of their attitude statement are as follows:

For known, since last year, US NGOs named Mighty Earth and South Korean NGO named KFEM have negatively campaigned on development of oil palm plantations at their ulayat land.

"The negative campaign is very detrimental to the community, because the oil palm companies have stopped the opening of land for the development of oil palm plantations, so the development of plasma plantations for local communities has not been done until now," said Sebastian.

Further statement of attitude, continued Sebastian, they want the plasma plantation for the community immediately built in order to improve the welfare of the community that owners of ulayat rights. Because, people of Papua also want to progress and prosper and align with their brothers in other areas outside Papua.

They also appealed for assistance from the South Korean Embassy in Jakarta to remind NGOs in Korea such as KFEM to not conduct negative campaigns and not interfere with the development of oil palm plantations in Papua as they are in accordance with Indonesian Government regulations and have been approved by the community ulayat owners.

They also appealed for assistance from the South Korean Embassy in Jakarta to remind NGOs in Korea such as KFEM to not conduct negative campaigns and not interfere with the development of oil palm plantations in Papua as they are in accordance with Indonesian Government regulations and have been approved by the community ulayat owners.

The same thing they did at the US Embassy on Friday (29/9). They ask US Embassy in Indonesia to remind Mighty Earth to stop intervention in Papua.
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