Golkar Party Recommend Setya Novanto to Resign

Rabu, 27 September 2017 - 11:15 WIB
Golkar Party Recommend...
Golkar Party Recommend Setya Novanto to Resign
JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of Golkar Party recommended Golkar Party Chairman, Setya Novanto temporarily resign from his post.

Chairman of DPP Golkar Party, Andi Harianto Sinulingga acknowledged in party's daily meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017 has recommended this. In the meeting, Andi himself was in charge for reading the recommendations in daily meetings.

"Yes, I read the recommendation from study team for SN (Setya Novanto, red) not active. So he can focuses on legal and health issues," Andi said in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/9).

He added that the daily meeting decided by Chairman of DPP Golkar Party, Nurdin Halid and Secretary General, Idrus Marham to convey contents of the recommendation to Setya Novanto.

The review team consisted Coordinator for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Golkar Party's DPP, Yorrys Raweyai and Coordinator for Strategic Studies, Lodwik Paulus.

Andi said that in the near there will be a plenary meeting of DPP Golkar Party about Setya Novanto's answer on the recommendation.

"Decision of meeting yesterday should be a plenary at meeting tomorrow," he said.

Previously, proposal that Setya Novanto was suspended was disclosed by the Coordinator of DPP Golkar Party, Kahar Muzakir at the Parliament Building yesterday.

"It said asked for his willingness to appoint the executor of duties," Kahar said.

According to him, the result of study called Setya Novanto case in the alleged corruption of electronic identity card procurement project (e-KTP) became one of elecity factor of Golkar Party decreased.

"They expect Novanto to resign," he said.

Meanwhile, today, South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) holds a pre-trial court of lawsuit e-ID card case again.

In this trial, it is the turn of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which will bring in expert witnesses to strengthen the proposition of suspect Setya Novanto.

Head of Legal Bureau KPK, Setiadi said it will present two witnesses of legal experts in the trial today. This expert witness will explain the procedure for handling the case that was sued by Novanto.

"One criminal expert and one criminal law expert," Setiadi said when confirmed on Wednesday (27/8).

When asked for the names of two experts who will be presented to the pre-trial of e-ID card, Setiadi refused to mention. He said, both experts have expressed willingness to attend today.

Not only present expert witnesses, KPK also plans to submit additional evidence in the form of recording and transcripts of Setya Novanto conversation.

With this additional evidence, said Setiadi, KPK had 260 evidences to determine Setya Novanto as a suspect.

"That is the quantity and quality of the evidence used as the legal basis to establish the suspect applicant," said Setiadi.
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